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Performer Description Sumbitted By
Wednesday Week The band is named after the song by The Undertones. Don
Emerson, Lake & Palmer It's the last names of each of the members: Keith Emerson, Greg Lake and Carl Palmer. Don
Dave Clark 5 The leader of the band is Dave Clark and they had five members. Don
Björk It means birch tree in Swedish(her parents were hippies). ChaCha
Alice Cooper He got it from a ouja board. Steven
Motorhead  i read on a drug abuse website,that people who use the drug pcp are called motorheads i heard this is where lemmy the lead singer got the name Mike Mashburn
Sevendust They were originally called "Crawlspace" but their label suggested a name change, I forget why but I think it had something to do with another band having a similar name. They decided on Sevendust when throwing out random words.  Jon 7
Bush The lead singer was going down on a bird and saw her Bush, VOILA!! Idioteque
Ugly Kid Joe They were opening for Pretty Boy Floyd and they hadn't picked out a name, so when the stage manager asked how to introduce them, theyparodied PBF. james
Cat Stevens Okay, I know this is a sole singer, not a band, but the origin is that the guy's first name was actually steven. He had a nickname given to him by friends - "Cat Stevens." Way back when he had begun recording music he mentioned it to the recording company and they loved it, so he kept it. Now, however, you know he has changed his real name to Yousef Islam after converting to the Islamic faith years ago. Yousef is arabic for Joseph. helen
Dead Kennedys This band took this name because John F Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy were shot and killed within ten years.  dj organic
Jackson 5 because there last name was jackson and there were 5 boys in the band zac rogers
Screaming Pink Bunnies when the band first came out there was an over load of bunnies in their home town. everyone was screaming. they added pink because they thought it was cool spencer
The Red Hot Chili Peppers being a mix of funk thrash,punk and rap rock anthony said that red hot chili peppers was what the bands music sounded like .  kathy
54-40 There is a post regarding the band 54-40 that claims it has to do with an unemployment form. Now although UB40 takes it's name from a tax form, 54-40 most certainly has to do with American History. The Democratic slogan in the 1844 election was "54-40 or fight!", referring to the expansionist view that the U.S. was destined by God to spread the American democratic system as far as possible. 54-40 refers to the 54'40' parallel, which Presidential candidate James K. Polk was willing to fight Britain to gain control of (north of Oregon into present-day British Columbia). The British compromised with the 49th paralllel, extending the northwest boundary of the US to it's current position. Paul Arena
Silverchair first offthe band was called innocent criminals. one day they decided to play a prank on the local radio station by requesting the song sliverchair. which was a combo of you am i's berlin chair and nirvana's sliver. chris wrote it down but being the dumbass he is spelled it wrong and it came out silverchair. (also they never use an upper case "S" "cause it would look stupid.) anonymous
Heartbreakers They are becoming a new band right this minute and put it all together there will be between 2-5 members all coming from the south-east of England.If you have any comments write it down in the box below.They will be girls. Beth
The Box This Montreal band played in nightclubs, which in French are referred to as "boîtes de nuit" [night boxes]. From there, they called themselves The Box. Pierre Savoie
David Bowie His real name was David Jones, but when he started out, there was already a member of the Monkees named Davey Jones, so he was forced to pick a different name. Pierre Savoie
Dukes of Stratosphear When Helium Kidz (formerly Star Park) were going to change their name, Andy Partridge had two names in mind: XTC and the Dukes of Stratosphear. They of course went with XTC, but they saved Dukes of Stratosphear for their psychedelic side project. plasket
Hoobastank It is either Markku's middle name or the word hopscotch in another languag. (The band has claimed both, the latter on MTV) It does not stand for whose but stinks. Laura
Lostprophets the band are all big fans of duran duran. and the lead singer owns a copy of a duran duran live album which is titled "lost prophets". simple mat
Cypress Hill Cypress Hill was a street in Southgate where the band is from and a place where they use to hang out. Robert Jones
Muddy Gumbo Regarding their moniker, the name Gumbo was on the group's original list. "Gumbo popped up early on but was scrapped. However Earl pointed out, that's our sound - so much of everything. But the name couldn't just be "Gumbo" and they felt it needed something else. One morning Scott woke up humming a Muddy Water's tune and was listening to a lot of Blues at the time and then the name just came to him -- Muddy Gumbo. They did a search and no one else had it, so the band voted to go with it because it rolls off the tongue, is memorable, and in tune with a great band name. Rebel With A Cause
SoundGarden They apparently named themselves after a pipe sculpture in Seattle's Sand Point that makes unearthly howling noises in the wind... Ben Singer
Rage Against the Machine Tom Morello said in Total Guitar magazine that they picked that name right before their first proper gig, he said they had a few names available but most of them were crap so he just made zack pick one. Ben Singer
6th String Augie 6th sring came from six strings on a guitar and that same day the lead guitarist and singer got his first 6th string his dog, Augie, died. michael bettis
The Tubes Named after the television "tubes", which were cathode ray tubes used in the older sets.  rock
Velvet Underground (Correction) From the book on the S&M scene by Michael Leigh. Werther von Goethe
The Strokes The band liked all the various meanings the word 'stroke' has. Tareena
Led Zeppelin Pete Entwistle of the WHO said that they would go down like a led zeppelin when they were formed.  facelikeamonkeysarse
Boney M I've just heard it on the radio that Boney M was named after Bonaparte Napoleon, who was called Boney in his childhood, M stands for music Periklesz
Led Zeppelin The quote was "they will go down like a lead balloon" which the band heard and changed ever so slightly! BaldBastard
Amon Amarth It means in Elvish ( a language created by J.R.R. Tolkien) "Hills of Doom" ("Mountains of Doom" would be "Ered Amarh", as the other post says it means) Bradley
Savage Garden The names is taken from the Vampyre Chronichels if Anne Rice. Synne
Black Sabbath originally they were called "Earth". but at that time, there was also another, more popular band called "Earth". they played a whole different style of music. one day they got a gig, but the guy who hired them thought they were the other "Earth". when this was discovered, it was already too late to change, so Black Sabbath aka Earth had to perform. the audience didnt like them, and they went disappointed off the stage. that night they decided to make a new name, and they chose the name of their first song, "Black Sabbath". Magga
Phish They were originally called "Switchback Trail," way on up here in Vermont, but they wanted a shorter name, single-syllable-like, and so kicked around "Switch," but it made Mike think of his father's punishment and Page think of his former days as an electrician, so they softened it up to "Swish," but that just sounded gay, so they tried "Phitch," but that looked too much like "Bitch." All of these variations were on the same peice of paper, so they just edited and combined them into "Phitch Bitch on the Trail Swish," but then remembered the bit about the making-it-a-shorter-name and so removed everything except "Phi...ish," and that seemed too greek so they dropped the middle out again and called themselves Ph, but that was a little too acidic so they put the "his" back in it and became that loveable cuddly thing that crawls into your bed when you aren't there to stop it--"Phish" Jeremiah Heiss
Pink Floyd Syd Barrett combined the names of two of his favorite Georgia bluesmen- Pink Anderson and Floyd Council Mike
Steely Dan A reference from the novel "Naked Lunch", Steely Dan was the nickname of a female sex toy. Mike
Jefferson Airplane They take their name from a device used to roll marijuana joints. Mike
AC/DC Angus and Malcolm Young saw "AC/DC" printed on their mother's sewing machine. They liked the connotation of electrical power, but the sewing machine is where it came from.  Mike
The Mothers Of Invention Frank Zappa's band was originally called, simply, "The Mothers", but their record company, fearing negative connotations, insisted that they add "Of Invention" at the end. It derives, of course, from the expression "necessity is the mother of invention". Mike
Weezer When Rivers Cuomo was young he had asthma and so the kids called him Weezer. Chris
Limp Bizkit Fred Durst was looking at a picture of a brain and said that it looked like a limp biscuit. They took that and alternativly spelt it. Chris
The Tubes After promoting Fee Waybill (sp?) to band member from roadie, the band needed a new name. So they opened up a medical dictionary, and came across the three bones that make your ears work: Tube, hammer, and anvil (if memory serves on those last two). Jill
Blue Oyster Cult Don't know how they wound up with this one but they at one time called themselves Soft White Underbelly. lihpster
Jethro Tull The name of an old Irish Poet Chris Bains
Moloko This isn't actually how the band got their name (it's ater the dink in Clockwork Orange)but I thought I might add that anyone who reads greek will know it alsomeans something rude.....hmmm, wonder if they knew THAt definition when they picked it? I doubt it, somehow. Robb
Moloko Variant spelling of the greek insult "Malaka", also names after the character Moloko Jay_the_Weird
Jethro Tull Jethor Tull invented the seed drill in the 18th century. His creation enabled the industrial revolution.  Dan
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