Check out the two amIright misheard lyrics books including one book devoted to misheard lyrics of the 1980s.
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Performer Description Sumbitted By
Flain the drummer (john) of the indie band "flain" has the last name "flaim" day while talikng to the drummer the guitarist (mike) ,acidently called him "flain"...instaed of his real name "flaim.....and that just became the name... pat
Car Bomb Dating Tim, rythym guitarist/vocalist for this Port Huron, MI-based punk group used to tell people it was a term for 'a relationship gone bad-everything seems fine until it suddenly bursts into flames'. Later on, he and Justin, the other vocalist and lead guitarist decided to admit that Tim just found it on a webpage and it 'sounded cool', so they opted to use it. Other names they were kicking around included Constant 137 and The Pants Situation. Flash1087
Veruca Salt A veruca is a wart, so veruca salt is a wart removal remedy. There was a character named Veruca Salt in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  Fred G. Sanford
Pink On Making the Video they were talking about why her name is Pink an dits cause shes so much like a tom-boy her friends would call her pink cause its girly so it sounds weird for that type of person to be called pink gloria
A Flock Of Seagulls They were inspirede by the book by Richard Back "Jonathan Livingston seagull" Luke
Pink Floyd Before the band was together, Gilmoure liked to go to a small blues cafe quite often. There were two old men there that he talked to. They taught him a lot about the practicality of life and the magic of music. The last name of one of them was Pink, the other's last name was Floyd. Cody Erekson
Drater the name drater in the awesome band Drater Badgers was thought up when the bass guitarist was high and was thinkin of words backwards and thought of retard backwards, and came up with drater badger jtay and badger
Depeche Mode I read an interview with them that said they stole it from a French Magazine . It means loosely means "fast fashion". Carole
Saint Etienne From the French football club / town. DDT
Deacon Blue From the Steely Dan song, "Deacon's Blues" DDT
Pulp From an economics schoolbook which had the commodity "Arabicus Pulp" listed. Jarvis dropped the first bit. DDT
East 17 Correction to earlier entry: East 17 (E17) is actually the postcode (or zipcode) for Walthamstow in East london, where the big-hatted boy band are from. Joe Whiteley
Martin's Marvellous Monkeys Martin the founder and lead song writer of the band looked in the dictionary for a positive work starting with m to go with martin then saw monkey whilst flicking through and it all sounded good together. Martster
Hello Dave Dave was a sound technician for the band and was kind of "out of it" most of the time. The band members would always say "Dave, Hello Dave". Blais
U2 The band picked U2 because it's the identification number given to Ireland on U.S. immigration forms.  Psychgirl
Kissing The Pink It's a snooker term. One of a set of snooker balls is pink, and when a shot just touches a ball with the cue ball it is said to "kiss" it. The phrase was probably heard on UK television snooker commentary and raised a few laughs when alternative meanings were considered! Sid
Mollys Yes Based on a character in James Joyce's Ulysses, Mollys Yes is named after the book's Molly Bloom, who delivers a life-affirming monologue relating to love, sex, family and beauty, in which she uses the word "yes" over and over again to describe her feelings, hence "Molly's yes". "It's all the things about people that make them what they are," explains Ed (lead singer). Cautious not to imply an intellectual pretense, he adds, "We're smart guys but we're not that smart." Footnote: Shortly after signing a deal with Republic and releasing their first album "Wonderworld" the memebers of this outstanding band from Tulsa, Okla. have gone their seperate ways. RLB
Bare Naked Ladies It actually started out as a dare. The guys dressed up as ladies (bare naked ones). Their friends cracked up because the guys had actually taken the dare. They called the guys the Bare Naked Ladies and the name just stuck. Not to mention the fact that they also like real bare naked ladies.  LoopeyLooSEY
Led Zeppelin Their original name was The Yardbirds, then The New Yardbirds...They went to a party where Keith Moon was in attendance. They were discussing Zep's music and he said they would "go down like a lead zeppelin". The name stuck, but the band changed the spelling to "Led" for the American market. ilovealexcauser
Bouncing Souls named for the pull tab on the back of Dr. Martens boots, only they changed the spelling of soles to souls... Bomberman
SR-71 SR-71 is (was) the name of an airplane of some sort. bAZ
The Offspring Dexter Holland decided that it was the only one that sounded cool to him, from a list of about thirty names, 25 minutes before their first show. Baz
America Three boys in England performed their pop/folk rock songs at pubs in England where their fathers were stationed (American servicemen). Locals began calling the the Americans. Not to be confused with "Jay & the Americans" they simply decided on America for their name/ Bill Stoner
Backstreet Boys They picked their names because theres this place in Orlando called the "backstreet market" its a place for tourists tours around the country and they just hang out there so they took 'backstreet' and added 'boys' on it......."Backstreet Boys" Kid Nicky
Box Car Racer  Revelations in the Bible speaks about the end of the world, and Tom Delonge was wondering if World War II was what the Revelations spoke about. The second bomb that was dropped on Japan was from a plane called Bockscar, but commonly misspelled Boxcar. "it kind of really freaked me out. At that point I didn't even want the name, but it was way too late. I blame Travis for that one." - Tom  The Fonz
Spandau Ballet Spandau is the name of the town where Nazi prisoners were incarcerated. Upon being sentenced to death, most prisoners were hung, and from all accounts, a hanging victim does a little dance as life is expiring. Hence, Spandau Ballet is a morbidly humorous reference to this little "dance." OBartleby
P.O.D. P.O.D. stands for Payable On Death. This term was chosen by the Christian Rock band because when Christ died, he paid for our sins. Dingo
JJ72 Its the make/nimber of the front of Mark's washing machine (as read in NME) Annie
Mechanical Monkey God They where in the backyard of Infra's house thinking about religion and determined that god was mechanical and he was a monkey.  Absent
Mindless Self Indulgence in an interview, Lil Jimmy Urine said that it 'basically describes the kind of music we play' absent
System of a Down In the mid-90's when Serj Tankian and Daron Malakian were in a band called "Soil", Daron wrote a poem called "Victims of a Down". Serj thought that it was cool and decided to name the band after it. They later changed it to System of a Down because they thought that it sounded cooler. nj
Nelly His real name is Cornell Haynes, but his nickname was Nelly Nel [a play on Cornell], and everyone eventually just called him Nelly, so he used it. Curtis
Less Than Jake The Guitarist had a dog named Jake and his parents always treated the dog better than him. So he was always Less Than Jake. Arvind
Sting He loves J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Sting is the Eleven sword which hobbit Bilbo Baggins uses. Cagatay Afyon
Boyz II Men They were discovered by New Edition - their idols - member Michael Bivins, so they named themselves Boyz II Men after a New Edition song ("Boys To Men"). Lindsey
Black Sabbath The name is taken from the 1935 Borris Karloff horror flick Black Sabbath Eddie Brandon K
Orgy One of the band members in high-skool wrote it over his folders so they just decide to use it plus the whole meaning of their music.  Ayumi Lee
Faith No More They were originally called "Faith No Man" and went through numerous singers, one of them having a huge ego. When that one left, Chuck Mosley joined. WIthout the jerk at the helm, the band decided to rename themselves "Faith No More" to kind of poke fun at the last guy who was no longer with the band. Dr. Faustus
NOFX Consensus among the punkers is that no one really knows. They ripped it from Negative FX (Fat Mike hates the name now, but he thought is was cool when he was 17!) Nikhil
Great Big Sea Ok it's not "great big sea HOVE"'s "great big sea COVE" But of course that is where the band gets their name..a traditional Newfoundland folk song. Fritter
Reel Big Fish made up by the bass player, matt wong, they all had an obseession with sushi, and this just poked out, the idea was, talked about so it was "big fish" then they added"real" and later on changed it into "reel"  danniel baker
SR71 SR71 is a spy aeroplane, successor of U2. Connection with U2 is clear. Although Bono's band might be named not after aeroplane name, there are no doubts about SR71. There are 67600 possible composition of two letters and two digits, and SR71 does not have another meaning (as U2 is also "you too"). Grzes
Marillion The band's name was originally Silmarillion, inspired by J.R.R. Tolkein. At an early concert, promoters hung a big banner with the band's name on it over the back of the stage. But a bunch of gear got piled in front of the "Sil," leaving just "marillion." Subsequent (and positive) press coverage referred to the band as Marillion, and the name stuck Chaim
Godsmack One of the band members had a cold sore on his lip. Solly, the lead singer, made fun of it. The next day, Solly had one in almost the same spot. One of the other guys in the band noticed it, laughed, and said "Looks like god just smacked you on your ass" they liked the ring of the name  LoSeRSTaR
Lil' Kim She picked this name because she is 4'11 and her Name Is Kimberly, which means She's little and shes Kim so Lil' Kim is a good name for her:):) denika
Semisonic Sat in a bar one night, a friend of Dan Wilson's turned to him and asked...."Why do they only play all this semi-sonic sh*t on the radio? The name was chosen then, due to a volotile situation over their former name 'Pleasure', which was used by a death metal group! @shley
Arcadia (Duran Duran project) The name comes from the painting by Nicholas Poussin entitled "Arcadian Shepherds". On the tomb where the shepherds are gathered, there is an inscription: "ET IN ARCADIA EGO". The literary sources are numerous - from the Eclogues or Bucolics of Virgil to the Arcadia of Jacopo Sannazaro (1502) - all invoking an imaginary place, a "kingdom of Utopia". However the phrase ET IN ARCADIA EGO can not be traced to any known classical source. The Latin words means "Even in Arcadia I exist", where "I" is considered to refer to death. Basically, Nick Rhodes thought it was pretty cool. I got this information from the Japanese-released Arcadia video circa 1986. Lady Divia
Blondie Adolf Hitlers second dog (German Shepard) was called Blondie which is where they took the name from. Li
Bauhaus Originally Bauhaus 1919, named after the now famous German architecture firm Leather
Silverchair They originally wanted to be called Sliverchair, but misspelled the name when sending in a form to their first producer. Whitedawg
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