What real life locations are mentioned in songs, band names or album titles?
Real Places Mentioned in Songs, Garth Brooks
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Double Live album at Amazon.com
Operator won't you put me on through
I gotta' send my love down to Baton Rouge
He is a long distance truck driver, stopping every hundred miles to call his girl in Baton Rouge whom he saw last night
Submitted by: Melissa Sutton
18 wheels anchored somewhere out of Dover
Dover, Delaware
Submitted by: swalerider
Eighteen wheels anchored somewhere out of Dover
God, I wish i could hold her insteading of hugging this old cold shoulder
He is a truck driver stuck in a snowstorm outside of Dover, Delaware
Submitted by: Sundog
She ran out into the ocean and to this day they claim. That if you go down by the water, you'll see her footprints in the sand. Every night she walks the beaches of Cheyenne.
The song's referring to Cheyenne Wyoming. But Cheyenne Wyoming isn't on the coast of the U.S. and is nowhere near a beach.
Submitted by: Edward
Last I heard, she had moved to Boulder
But where she's now, I don't know.
Boulder, Colorado
Submitted by: Bob
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