Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with U, Page 3
Entries starting with U are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3
"Up The Ladder To The Poof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Larder To The Roof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Naomi Swanson
"Up The Ladder To The Room," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Ladder To The Rood," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Ladder To The Goof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Ladder To Tie Roof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Ladder To The Root," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Ladder To The Hoof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Unload," Icycore originally
"Upload" Liberty Anderson
Ops, as in short for opportunities
Kayla McSwain
Now the title only has one plural!
"Upright (Everything's Alright)," Stevie Wonder originally
"Uptight (Everything's Alright)" Surprised no one thought of this
British rock band, or heraldic tincture of silver
"Us And Thom," Pink Floyd originally
"Us And Them" Thom (pronounced Tom)=another shortname for Thomas
"Use That Mower," Alvin Lee originally
"Use That Power" For the lawn
"Use That Tower," Alvin Lee originally
"Use That Power" Candy Welty
"Use Your Lead," Mary Wells originally
"Use Your Head" Peter
"Use Your Dead," Mary Wells originally
"Use Your Head" Peter
Entries starting with U are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3
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