Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with N, Page 6
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"New York, New Work," Liza Minnelli originally
"New York, New York" Yvette Bristle
"Next Edit," Interpol originally
"Next Exit" Jill Conrad
"Newt Exit," Interpol originally
"Next Exit" Peter
"Next Emit," Interpol originally
"Next Exit" Next emit what?
Jill Conrad
"Nest Exit," Interpol originally
"Next Exit" Peter
"Text Exit," Interpol originally
"Next Exit" Jill Conrad
Vext = alt. sp. of Vexed (look it up if needed)
Sardine Taylor
"Nest Time You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Peter
"Text Time You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Next Tome You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Tome = a book, usually large and/or scholarly
Candy Welty
"Next Rime You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" When rime ice occurs again, you'll know.
Christina Caraway
"Next Time You'll Snow," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Next Tide You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Christina Caraway
"Next Tire You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Next Tile You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Newt Time You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Next Lime You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Next Dime You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Next Mime You'll Know," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Next Time You'll Knot," Sister Sledge originally
"Next Time You'll Know" Candy Welty
"Niagara Walls," Chicago originally
"Niagara Falls" A life-size replica of the falls, perhaps?
Orville Beddenrocker
"Niagara Malls," Chicago originally
"Niagara Falls" Does the Niagara Falls area have a shopping ctr?
"Niagara Halls," Chicago originally
"Niagara Falls" Yvette Bristle
"Niagara Balls," Chicago originally
"Niagara Falls" Yvette Bristle
"Niagara Calls," Chicago originally
"Niagara Falls" Yvette Bristle
"Nine Guys Finish Last," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" All tied for last?
Chelsea Footler
"Nice Guys Finish Past," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Isn't the past already finished anyway?
Chelsea Footler
"Lice Guys Finish Last," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" If they have lice we hope so!
"Vice Guys Finish Last," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Chelsea Footler
"Nice Guys Finish Fast," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Lizzie
"Nice Guys Finish Lass," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" In what way? Maybe a painting of a lass?
Chelsea Footler
"Nice Guts Finish Last," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Chelsea Footler
"Nice Guys Finish Lost," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Chelsea Footler
"Rice Guys Finish Last," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Chelsea Footler
"Nice Guys Finish Lash," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Chelsea Footler
"Nice Guys Finish Lust," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Chelsea Footler
"Nice Guys Finish List," Green Day originally
"Nice Guys Finish Last" Chelsea Footler
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Fare," The Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Regina Olsen
"Nice Legs, Shave About The Face," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Please, you are getting TOO (not to) scruffy.
"Nine Legs, Shame About The Face," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Peter
"Nice Logs, Shame About The Face," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Peter
"Lice Legs, Shame About The Face," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Peter
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Mace," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Peter
"Nice Legs, Shape About The Face," The Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Regina Olsen
"Nice Kegs, Shame About The Face," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Peter
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Fate," The Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Regina Olsen
"Mice Legs, Shame About The Face," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Peter
"Vice Legs, Shame About The Face," Monks originally
"Nice Legs, Shame About The Face" Peter
"A Nice Plane To Visit," Guttermouth originally
"A Nice Place To Visit" Amber Penn
"A Lice Place To Visit," Guttermouth originally
"A Nice Place To Visit" Eeewww
Amber Penn
"A Rice Place To Visit," Guttermouth originally
"A Nice Place To Visit" Amber Penn
"Mice To Be With You," Gallery originally
"Nice To Be With You" Scarlett Lopez
"Nick To Be WIth You," Gallery originally
"Nice To Be With You" Heather Brockwell
"Rice To Be With You," Gallery originally
"Nice To Be With You" Reese without her spoon
"Rice To Be With You," Gallery originally
"Nice To Be With You" As in Condi Rice?
Reese without her spoon
"Lice To Be With You," Gallery originally
"Nice To Be With You" Reese without her spoon
"Lice To Be With You," Gallery originally
"Nice To Be With You" Reese without her spoon
"Nice Heather For Ducks," Lemon Jelly originally
"Nice Weather For Ducks" Karen Smith
"Nice Weather For Decks," Lemon Jelly originally
"Nice Weather For Ducks" Regina Olsen
"Nice Feather For Ducks," Lemon Jelly originally
"Nice Weather For Ducks" Sonia Rinzaimayor
"Nice Leather For Ducks," Lemon Jelly originally
"Nice Weather For Ducks" Megan Tereon
"Nice Pork If You Can Get It," Billie Holiday originally
"Nice Work If You Can Get It" Dyan Cannonball
"Nice Cork If You Can Get It," Billie Holiday originally
"Nice Work If You Can Get It" Lou Quilson
"Nice Work If You Can Pet It," Billie Holiday originally
"Nice Work If You Can Get It" That is, if your job is working with animals.
"Nice Worm If You Can Get It," Billie Holiday originally
"Nice Work If You Can Get It" Lou Quilson
"Nice, Nice, Vera Nice," Ambrosia originally
"Nice, Nice, Very Nice" Vera must be a nice girl.
Corinne Auterlehr
"Lice, Nice, Very Nice," Ambrosia originally
"Nice, Nice, Very Nice" Candy Welty
"Nice, Lice, Very Nice," Ambrosia originally
"Nice, Nice, Very Nice" Definitely don't hear that very often.
"Rice, Nice, Very Nice," Ambrosia originally
"Nice, Nice, Very Nice" Candy Welty
"Mice, Nice, Very Nice," Ambrosia originally
"Nice, Nice, Very Nice" Candy Welty
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