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Eternal, "Don't You Love Me"
Shotguns to the store for a loaf of bread
To feed his family got to steal a ride
Why does granny have to walk the sheets?
Trying to find herself a place to sleep
Mother, mother crying out of the window
It's a shame, that all we had to say
It's something, if we just turn and walk away
When somebody needs you, they try and cherish you
I'm thinking please have a heart
Child goes to the store for a loaf of bread
To feed his family got to steal and rob
Why does granny have to walk the streets?
Trying to find a sheltered place to sleep
Mother, mother crying I don't know where he is
It's a shame, is that all we have to say
It's all the same, if we just turn and walk away
When somebody needs you, their arms trying to reach you
I'm begging please have a heart
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