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Diana Ross, "Chain Reaction"
You set your mind on stealing my heart away
You give me only after-midnight action
I'm only turning for the inspiration
To anywhere and there ain't - Look, Salvation!
You make me tremble when your hand goes lower
You taste a little then you swallow the store
Nature has a way of giving treasure
Pleasure me for you, oh
My arms will come and my lips will smile
And you - no more left to say
You set your mark on stealing my heart away
You give me all the after-midnight action
I'm on a journey for the inspiration
To anywhere and there ain't no salvation
You make me tremble when your hand moves lower
You taste a little then you swallow slower
Nature has a way of yielding treasure
Pleasure made for you, oh
My arms will cover, my lips will smother you
With no more left to say
Dirty, dirty song! (how did it get past the censors? - from the album 'Eaten Alive' - phew!). Much prefer my lyrics.
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