These are the lyrics you selected. If this is not the correct, please go back and select the lyrics to be corrected.
Neneh Cherry, "Man Child"
Measure, will you ever win
Measure, look at the state you're in
Could you go undercover
And sell your brand new lover (could you)
Be someone else for a night
Maybe someone else will love you
You'd sell your soul for a tacky song
Like the ones you hear on the radio
Turn around ask yourself
Turn around and ask yourself
Measure, will you ever win
Measure, look at the state you're in
Measure, he will make you cry
Measure, Measure, Measure
Manchild, will you ever win
Manchild, look at the state you're in
Could you go undercover
And sell your brand new lover (could you)
Be someone else for a night
Maybe someone else will love you
You'd sell your soul for a tacky song
Like the ones you hear on the radio
Turn around ask yourself
Turn around and ask yourself
Manchild, will you ever win
Manchild, look at the state you're in
Manchild, he will make you cry
Manchild, Manchild, Manchild
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