These are the lyrics you selected. If this is not the correct, please go back and select the lyrics to be corrected.
Frankie Smith, "Double Dutch Bus"
Musi ques, I sews on bews I pues a twos on que zat
Pue zoo
My kizzer
Pous zigga ay zee
It's all kizza
It's always like
It's all kizza
It's always like na zound, wa zee, wa zoom zoom zee
Milzee-gilzz-I silzum billz I-killza dilzzouble-dilzzutch!
(something about a million bills and he kills the double dutch)
My gizzurl!
(My girl!)
Wilzinga izzat?
(Who's that?)
It's okizzay!
(It's okay!)
It's alrizzight!
(It's alright!)
It's okizzay!
(It's okay!)
It's alrizzight! Nizzow wizzee wizzill silzzee!
(It's alright! Now we will see!)
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