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Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton, "Those Were The Days ('All In The Family' Theme)"
Boy, the Waglan Miller played
Songs that hit the hay parade
Guys like us we had a maid
Those were the days
Amanam anam anam
Girls were girls and men were men
Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover Roger
Didn't need no wealth those days
Everybody pulled away
G.R.L.P. sour grapes
Those were the days.
Boy, the way Glenn Miller played
Songs that made the Hit Parade
Guys like us we had it made
Those were the days
And you knew who you were then
Girls were girls and men were men
Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again
Didn't need no welfare state
Everybody pulled his weight
Gee, our old LaSalle ran great
Those were the days!
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