Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
This page contains all the misheard lyrics for Eminence Front that have been submitted to this site and the old collection from inthe80s started in 1996.
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Animal f***
Eminence front
Living in funknown
Livin' in the Bronx
Living on a bus
Get on the bus
Livin' in a Swamp
Baby, Let's F**k
Baby, Let's F**k
Eminence Front
Baby, let's f***.
Eminence front!
Behind an M&M's butt,
M&M's butt--it's a put-on
Behind an eminence front
Eminence front--it's a put-on
Damnit lets f**k
Eminence front
Doin' in the butt
Eminence front
Elephant's trunk
Emminence Front
Eminem's front
Eminence front
Eminent strut, it's a put on.
Eminence front, it's a put on.
Emma get f*****d
Eminence Front
Evelyn Strunk, it's a put on.
Eminence front, it's a put on.
Everyone's f***ed.
Eminence front
Everything's f***ed
Eminence Front
Him and his truck
Eminence front
It's a lemon in front.
Eminence front
It's a lemon in his butt
It's a lemon in his butt
It's a put on.
It's an eminence front
It's an eminence front
It's a put on.
It's a lemon in the front
It's a lemon in the front
It's a put on.
It's an eminence front
It's an eminence front
It's a put on.
It's a limited spurt.
It's an eminence front.
It's a livin', it's work.
It's an eminence front.
It's a living man's work.
It's an eminence front.
It's a living, it's fun!
It's an eminence front!
It's aluminum trunk.
It's an eminence front.
It's an M&M's Frosty
It's an eminence front
It's an M&M's front
It's a put on.
It's an emminence front
It's a put on.
It's an enemas fart.
It's an eminence front.
It's an evidence from...
It's an eminence front
It's eleven and twelve
It's an eminence front
Kick her in the butt.
It's an eminence front.
Lemon in the trunk
It's an eminence front!
Limited funk, it's a put on.
Eminence front, it's a put on.
Livin in a box
Eminence Front
Livin' in Funk
Livin' in Funk
It's a put-on
Eminence Front
Eminence Front
It's a put-on
Livin' in a box!
Livin' in a box!
It's a put-on!
Eminence front
Eminence front
It's a put-on!
Livin' in a bus
Eminence front
Livin' in a font, livin' in a font.
It's a come on.
Come and join the party, Jezabel.
Eminence front, eminence front.
It's a put on.
Come and join the party dressed to kill.
Livin' in a funk! Come on!
Eminence front! It's a put on!
Livin' in a swamp, livin' in a swamp. It's a puddle.
Eminence front, eminence front. It's a put-on.
Livin' in a swamp
Eminence front
Livin' in a truck!
Eminence Front
Livin' in a truck
It's a put-on.
Eminence front
It's a put-on.
Livin' in funk, it's a put on.
Eminence front, it's a put on.
Livin' in funk
Eminence front
Livin' in her butt
Eminence front
It's a put on.
Livin' in my butt
It's a put on.
Eminence front
It's a put on.
Livin' in slut
It's a put-on.
Eminence front
It's a put-on.
Livin' in the Bronx
Livin' in a box
Eminence front
Editor's note: Pete Townshend wrote this and sang the lead vocal, but he never recorded a solo version of it.
Livin' in the Funk
Eminence Front
Livin' in the spot
Eminence front
Livin' is fun.
Eminence front
Livin' on a bus
Eminence front
Livin' in the front
Livin' with a drunk
Livin' with a drunk
Eminence Front
Living in a hut
it's a put-on
Eminence front
it's a put-on
Living in a swamp
Livin' in a swamp
It's a good on.
Eminence front
It's an eminence front
It's a put on.
Living in the front
Eminence front
M & M farts
Eminence front
M & M strut
Eminence front
M & M's suck
Eminence front
M and Ms. Front
It's an eminence front.
Livin' in a Funk
Millenium Funk
Millenium Funk
Eminence Front
Neighborhood slut
Emminence front
Nip it in the bud.
Eminence front
People forget, forget their Haydn
People forget, forget they're hidin'
Put it in her butt
Eminence front
Rhythm and funk, put on
Emminence front, it's a put on
The living is front
Eminence front
The women that squirt
Eminence front
Unlimited Fun
Eminence Front
We living in front.
It's an eminence front.
We're livin' in a swamp.
Eminence front
What's in Eminem's trunk?
What's in Eminem's trunk?
its a foot long.
It's an eminence front
It's an eminence front
It's a put on.
Women and funk, it's a put on.
Emminence front, it's a put on
Women in front
Eminence front
Women in sports!
Women in sports!
It's a put on!
Eminence front!
Eminence front!
It's a put on!
Yes, Eminem sucks!
It's an eminence front!
Editor's note: Eminem was only a kid when this song was popular, and he was not publicly known... so this mishearing does not make any sense. However, could The Who have made a prediction 17 years in advance?