Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
This page contains all the misheard lyrics for The Chosen One that have been submitted to this site and the old collection from inthe80s started in 1996.
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"The Chosen One"
Evil one-eyed dragon
He's the American Dragon.
People were not braggin'
He's the American Dragon.
Theme song from the TV series "American Dragon: Jake Long". During the first season, the song was performed by Mavin (pseudonym of actor-singer A.J. Trauth); in the second season, it was performed by the Jonas Brothers. However, the two acts never recorded it together (i.e., as a duet), so for the purpose of submitting an entry about this song, please choose one performer name or the other.
"The Chosen One"
He a one-armed dragon
People were not braggin'.
Theme song from the TV series "American Dragon: Jake Long"
He's a one-eyed Dragon
He's the American Dragon.
Theme from the TV series "American Dragon: Jake Long" (second season)
"The Chosen One"
Please outwit the dragon
Breakdown with the dragon
"The Chosen One"
Skittles'll kill ya.
His skills are getting faster.
Theme song from the TV series "American Dragon: Jake Long" (performed by Mavin during the first season; The Jonas Brothers covered it for the second season)
Swollen liver wrapped in thingy
Swollen river i've been thinking
Disclaimer: amIright.com makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics.
All correct lyrics are copyrighted, amIright.com does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.