Misheard song lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
This page contains all the misheard lyrics for Stone Roses that have been submitted to this site and the old collection from inthe80s started in 1996.
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There are 48 misheard song lyrics for Stone Roses on amIright currently.
There are also Stone Roses misheard lyrics stories also available.
Kids in the cotton clouds
Kiss in the cotton clouds
Seems like there's a hole in my jeans
Seems like there's a hole in my dreams
Close your alarm
The gold road's sure a long road
Cold 'coz you're alone
Winds on through the hills for fifteen days.
The gold road's sure a long road
Winds up through the hills for fifteen days.
God is just around the corner
Breakdance coming up round the bend
Gold's just around the corner
Breakdown's coming up round the bend
Golden' shinin' oro
Wise up through the hills for fifteen days
The gold road's sure a long road
Winds up through the hills for fifteen days
That street sign has made out with Mochrie
The marquis de sade don't wear no boots like these
Due to the funk sound of this song, it's hard to make out the lyrics.
gold and silver lawnmowers winding thru the hills for fifteen days
The gold road's sure a long road Winds up through the hills for fifteen days
gold and silver lawnmowers winding thru the hills for fifteen days
The gold road's sure a long road Winds up through the hills for fifteen days
The pain on my bad egg’s breaking
The pain on my back is aching
"I Am The Resurrection" (MP3)
I am the resurrection and I am alive.
I am the resurrection and I am the life.
"I Am the Resurrection" (MP3)
I am the resurrection and I am the light
I am the resurrection and I am the life
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a dog.
I wanna be adored.
British accent and elongated 'adoored' sounds like 'a doog'.
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a dog.
I wanna be adored.
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a dog.
I wanna be adored.
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a dog.
The wanna be adored.
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a dog
I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a dog
I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a dog
I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a doored.
I wanna be adored.
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a door
I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a door
I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be a second hand shoe salesman.
I wanna be adored.
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna be your dog
I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna be a door
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I want to be a dog.
I wanna be adored.
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
I want to be a door
I wanna be adored
"I Wanna Be Adored" (MP3)
It's over, it's over.
I wanna be adored.
"I Wanna Be Adroed" (MP3)
I wanna be a door
I wanna be adored
"I Want To Be Adored"
I don't have to sell my sorrow.
I don't have to sell my soul.
"I Want To Be Adored"
I wanna be a dog.
I want to be adored.
"I Want To Be Adored"
I want to be a door.
I want to be adored.
Go inside her, it's my sister.
The messiah is my sister.
I had a little cheese with a picnic.
I'm hiding in the trees with a picnic.
I'm hiding in the sheets with a big d***.
I'm hiding in the trees with a picnic.
I'm hiding in the tree with a pixie.
I'm hiding in the trees with a pygmy.
I'm hiding in the trees with a picnic.
I'm hiding in the tree with a pixie.
I'm hiding in the trees with a picnic.
Lenny Sayer is my sister
Ain't no caveman, she's my queen.
The Messiah is my sister
Ain't no king, man, she's my queen.
Let me put you in the picture.
Let me show you what I mean?
Anna Shtyer is my sister.
I'm her king and she's my queen!
Let me put you in the picture.
Let me show you what I mean?
Ana shyer is my sister.
I'm her king and she's my queen.
Let me put you in the picture.
Let me show you what I mean?
Ana shyer is my sister.
I'm her king and she's my queen.
Let me put you in the picture.
Let me show you what I mean?
The Messiah is my sister,
ain't no king man, she's my queen
Love spreads around.
Love spreads her arms.
The messy sire is my sister
The messy aisle is my sister
The Messiah is my sister
When the streets are cold and lonely
And the cops say all baloney
When the streets are cold and lonely
And the cars they burn below me
Your uncle's waiting on the wheel
Your knuckles whiten on the wheel
"She Bangs The Drums" (MP3)
The future�s standing on my feet.
I don�t feel to steady on my feet.
She'll carry on through it all, she's an absolute doll.
She'll carry on through it all, she's a waterfall.
So good to have evil eyes.
So good to have equalized.
This American satyr writes home
This American satellite's won