Misheard song lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
This page contains all the misheard lyrics for Dresden Dolls that have been submitted to this site and the old collection from inthe80s started in 1996.
For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.
There are 10 misheard song lyrics for Dresden Dolls on amIright currently.
Back stab her, back stab her, back stab her
Backstabber, backstabber, backstabber
Brought into the cold
Rotten to the core
The rocket girls
The glitter girls.
The record goes
From blue to gold.
You're all over
Popular by her scenes.
You're all over
The popular magazines.
"Coin-Operated Boy"
I can even f*** him in the a**.
I can even take him in the bath.
You're an unrescuable schizo
Or else you're on the Reich.
You're an unrescuable schizo
Or else you're on the rag.
"Good Day"
Now the war is over
Hussein is dead.
Now the war is over
Mussolini´s dead.
"Half Jack"
I see my mother in my face but only when I tremble
I see my mother in my face but only when I travel
Thought she was singing about how she only looks like her mother when she's afraid? Ends up it was when she's traveling. LOL
"Necessary Evil"
I connected speakers to my pseudo sounds of discontent
I connected speakers to the suitors of the discotechques, and
"Night Reconnaissance"
So we hide from the guns
So we hide from the c**ts
Please use the link next to each misheard lyric to suggest a correction. We do our best to review entries as they come in, but we can't possibly know every lyric to every song.
Disclaimer: amIright.com makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics.
All correct lyrics are copyrighted, amIright.com does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.
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Voting Results
Understanding: | 2.2 | |
Liked: | 4.9 | |
Funny: | 2.7 | |
Total Votes: | 9 |