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Fun Music Information -> NONE

This is the most recent information about NONE that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about NONE, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).



May 16
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
I know I'm pathetic, but I have a neediness for you. (MP4)
Sep 23
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
Here's a party dong you might enjoy. (MP4)
Sep 23
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
Here's a party dong you might enjoy. (MP4)
June 17
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
Here's my entry into Produce Like A Pro's remix contest feat. Lianne Kaye (MP3)
Feb 13
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
There's no rhyme to this song. Only plenty of reason to read Numbers 6, Proverbs 3, and Matthew 6.
Instagram: (MP4)
Jan 19
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
Instead of worrying about why Nuns have a habit of wearing funny hats, I made this song. Download it for free with YouTube Prime. (MP4)
Dec 13
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
Here's my tribute to Debbie Gibson, for all her and ew Christmad album 'Winterlicious'. Download for free with YouTube Prime. (MP4)
Nov 30
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
Here's my Hip Hop version of 'I'd Rather Have Jesus'. You can download it for free when you get YouTube Prime. (MP4)
Oct 19
a parody of "NONE" by NONE
This is a guitar and sax story rap that involves an expectant mother and a catapillar and how their lives momentarily converge. (MP4)

There are additional song parody recordings available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"NONE""Little Country Miss"Lionel Mertens
"NONE""Jesus Is Here"Lionel Mertens
"None""Tennessee Free"The Offenders

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