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Song Parodies -> "Sukhoi T-4 was Brute"

Original Song Title:

"I Put a Spell on You"

Original Performer:

Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Parody Song Title:

"Sukhoi T-4 was Brute"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

The Su T-4 may look like a bastardized version of the US XB-70 Valkyrie bomber, but it was not designed that way. It started out as a response to the SR-71 as a large interceptor that could also serves as a recon platform or a strategic bomber flying at Mach 3!!! The T-4 was a large double-delta with an all-moving plane aft of the large cockpit with drooping nose. It weighed 200 tons and was 170 ft long and powered by 4x Type 57 engines. It could carry 33 tons of bombs to heights above 60,000 ft and cruise with a full load at Mach 2. As interceptor it would have carried two large air-breathing missiles to shoot down the SR-71 and the F-108 Rapier had that fighter appeared with the B-70 over Soviet territory. Only 1 was built and since the XB-70 and XF-108 programs were terminated and the MiG-31 Foxhound would intercept the SR-71, the Soviets used it in 1983 to set 14 aircraft records for payload to height and max speed as "Aircraft 101." It was then retired and sits outside the Monino Museum not far from Moscow. This thing could have appeared over US skies in the 1980s had war broken out and it could outrun the F-15 and F-16 easily. The computer had quadruplex redundancy and it tested FBW systems that helped in the development of the Su-27 family of fighters.
Sukhoi T-4 was brute
for the time

The Reds had a “Valkyrie”* too
Mach 3 flyin’
And shockwave ridin’

“Habu“**- would try to nab it
Shoot B-70 down
Rapier*** defending
Soviets were not playin’ around

[Sukhoi T-4 multi-roles were found]

Sukhoi T-4 was brute
Derived design
Less refined

First plane flew
Droop-snoot too
Wings were double-delta
Heavy load to bear
Cloaked in secrecy
Bomber halted

[Records exalted]****

Threat decreased
Sukhoi T-4 was brute
Derived design
(Tupolev developed 160)*****
* US XB-70 Valkyrie
** Habu= SR-71 Blackbird
*** Rapier= XF-108 Rapier to accompany XB-70
**** in 1983, the same plane as "Aircraft 101" broke 14 payload to height and speed records
***** Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bomber
The T-4 Sotka:

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 6

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   6

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Patrick - February 17, 2014 - Report this comment
Bet that would have been one fantastically expensive machine to produce in quantity. I read that the MiG flown by the defector to Japan was built using vacuum tube and rivet construction techniques. How about this plane? Interceptor and strategic bomber in one! That must have been quite a combination.
Rob Arndt - February 17, 2014 - Report this comment
Lt. Belenko defected in 1976 by flying to Japan. It was an intelligence breakthrough as the a/c was examined by US and Japanese experts for weeks. The RP-25 Smerch radar you mention did use vacuum tubes but could burn through any Western countermeasures and its construction of tempered steel and titanium enabled it to hit Mach 2.8, although Red pilots were instructed not to exceed Mach 2.4. A Syrian MiG-25 outran Israeli interceptors and blew through airspace at Mach 3.2 which shattered the engines. The MiG-31 Foxhound replaced the Foxbat in the 1980s with improved engines, better armament, and better avionics. Radar is Zaslon phased-array type.
Patrick - February 18, 2014 - Report this comment
I read the book about Belenko. Claimed that the radar fried a man on the ground when it was switched on by accident. A lady I used to work with said her boyfriend was sterile due to a mishap with radar when he was in the Navy. A couple other sailors nearby were killed when it was switched on without the user knowing these men were too close to the sender.

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