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Song Parodies -> "Flight was Costly"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Rice-A-Roni Commercial

Parody Song Title:

"Flight was Costly"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

MH17 shot down over E Ukraine by separatists who probably thought it was an Antonov military transport. They used an acquired Russian mobile missile launcher. You can bet that Moscow has ordered the scene contaminated and fouled with an order to get the black boxes before the Ukraine or West does!
Flight was costly,
plane felt the missile's heat
Flight was costly,
at 33,000 ft
War Zone, dome tracking, quick-launch ease
MH17 now debris
Flight was costly,
the two sides don't agree!

(Blip, Blip)

Mistaken Antonov were tracking???

(Maybe thought shoot-down was a feat?)

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.9
How Funny: 3.3
Overall Rating: 3.6

Total Votes: 7

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   5

User Comments

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1983 - July 18, 2014 - Report this comment
History repeating itself:
Jonathan - July 18, 2014 - Report this comment
yes I heard about this nice take on it 5's
Rob Arndt - July 19, 2014 - Report this comment
Still hard to believe that untrained separatists could operate and use the tracking and targeting systems of the BUK SPAAG. Must have come from Russia across the eastern border or the Russians trained a crew. The target might have just appeared similar to the An-26 military transport from Ukraine and of course the separatists would have been happy. It turns out to be a civilian passenger jet, so now a mad rush to remove the vehicle back to Russia and contaminate the multiple impact sites. Very tragic situation.
Peter Andersson - July 20, 2014 - Report this comment
Hi Rob! I'm running something through Google Translate for you, hope it works:
Rob Arndt - July 20, 2014 - Report this comment
Sorry Peter, but it just doesn't work that way. The Russians provided the BUK and the training. A bunch of paramilitary E Ukrainians in cammo with AKs and RPGs are one thing, but they cannot just jump into a military armored four-man crewed SPAAG and drive it, load it, reload it, and use the radar tracking, targeting, and fire control systems with ease. And against a target at 33,000 ft with precision? No way. Either the Russians trained them or the vehicle came from Russia with a Russian crew posing as separatists (which has been going on all year). Even though Russia supports the separatists, they are careful with what weapons they provide. A E Ukraine civil pilot for instance could not just jump into a MiG-29 and take on Ukrainian Su-25s!!! It's absurd.
Susanna Viljanen - July 20, 2014 - Report this comment
If Russia was a disease, it would be paranoia. Or compulsive lying syndrome.
Rob Arndt - July 21, 2014 - Report this comment
Of course the USSR and now Russia are suspicious of the West- they were attacked or invaded for centuries and the Nazis were the last straw. Then there was the Cold War arms race, space race, and eventually the peace race. Significant progress has been made with the last category, but still Russia might as well be another world compared to the West and just because Putin supports the separatists and gives weapons... who doesn't? The US and Europe give weapons to their Allies and strategic partners all the time, even tyrants and murderers have gotten arms from the West to fight perceived "evil" nations against the US (Iraq under Saddam for example against Iran). A US ship shot down an Iranian airliner by mistake and the Soviets shot down a Korean airliner. It happens. Its clear that the separatists thought the plane was a military transport and engaged the target with a mobile AA system. But now that they know it was a passenger jet, they should allow unbiased, independent organizations to come and seal the area, recover the bodies, and recover the plane in pieces, including the black boxes. Instead, the area is ruined and the bodies are on a refrigerated train- destination unknown. It even appears that one of the black boxes was found. Photos show the fuselage peppered with holes from the missile detonation. So, the BUK nailed it and was moved out of the area. Russia is not going to help. It might suspend heavy arms for a while but then back to business as ususal...

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