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Song Parodies -> "Limbaugh Claims He Means No Harm"

Original Song Title:

"Old McDonald Had A Farm"

Original Performer:

Nursery Rhyme

Parody Song Title:

"Limbaugh Claims He Means No Harm"

Parody Written by:

William Tong

The Lyrics

"E.I.B." is Rush Limbaugh's slogan "Excellence In Broadcasting" which could easily mean "Excrement In Broadsiding."
Limbaugh claims he means no harm.
Ee-yi E. I. B.*
His hate does harm,'cause he's a pig.
Ee-yi E. I. B.
'Cause he sells his lies, and he plays on fear.
Telling dittoheads what they want to hear.
Limbaugh claims he means no harm.
Ee-yi E. I. B.

Limbaugh claims he means no harm.
Ee-yi E. I. B.
When Clinton won, Rush had a cow.
Ee-yi E. I. B.
Well, we booed Rush here, and we booed Rush there.
He's rude, and a crude, money-grubbing bad dude.
Limbaugh claims he means no harm.
Ee-yi E. I. B.
Limbaugh claims he means no harm.
Ee-yi E. I. B.
What's on his arm - a swastika?
Ee-yi E. I. B.
He hates the "queers" and he plays on fears.
Ranting and raving on radio for years.
Limbaugh claims he means no harm.
Ee-yi E. I. B.

(repeat verses)

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.1
How Funny: 3.9
Overall Rating: 3.9

Total Votes: 21

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   16

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