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Song Parodies -> "We Are Not An Item"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Mary Poppins Sountrack

Parody Song Title:

"We Are Not An Item"

Parody Written by:

Cocoa Nutta

The Lyrics

I'm a fan of of the video game "King of Fighters". However, every time I look for fanfictions about it, I have to wade through a sea of stories in which Kyo and Iori, two deadly rivals, are a couple! Never mind that both of them have girlfriends (well, Kyo most certainly does, Iori's is little more than a rumor). Anyway, this is Kyo trying to debunk the rumors that he and his rival are in love (sang from his perspective).
Who keeps spreading all these lies?
Who keeps spreading all these lies?
Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!
In fact, the very thought of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you keep these rumors up,
Then I will get ferocious!
Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!

Who keeps spreading all these lies?
Who keeps spreading all these lies?
He has always bothered me
Since I was just a lad
I've always known about his clan
And I know they are bad
To this day I hate the guy
Who wants to see me dead!
Where did the idea we were in love
Get into your head?

Oh, Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!
In fact, the very thought of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you keep these rumors up,
Then I will get ferocious!
Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!

Who keeps spreading all these lies?
Who keeps spreading all these lies?
I thought it was obvious to the world
That I can't stand him
The odds of us even being friends
Are really very slim
Why did people have to start
The stories 'bout him and me?
There is nothing to those lies
Why can't those people see

That Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!
In fact, the very thought of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you keep these rumors up,
Then I will get ferocious!
Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!

Who keeps spreading all these lies?
Who keeps spreading all these lies?
And there is another point
That I must convey
I can tell you all right now
That truly, I'm not gay
This is the really dumbest thing
That I've heard in all my life
Truth is that I love a girl
And may make her my wife

No, Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!
Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!
Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!
Iori and I are not an item, everybody knows this!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.9
How Funny: 3.6
Overall Rating: 3.9

Total Votes: 13

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   2
 3   1
 4   6
 5   4

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