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Song Parodies -> "Super-socialistic Leftists Are Very Atrocious"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Mary Poppins

Parody Song Title:

"Super-socialistic Leftists Are Very Atrocious"

Parody Written by:

Poli-tick-ly Incorrect

The Lyrics

Super-socialistic leftists are very atrocious

They're so absurd!

Of course, there absurd! And unless I'm very mistaken, their just plain dumb!
When trying to express himself, Al Franken sounds like a terd!
They're all liars and cons, to find a perfect word
A little trickery keeps their rhetoric going
I can't understand what the hell they mean

Super-socialistic leftists are very atrocious
They all seem to suffer from some psychosis
Drunken Ted might suffer from liver cirrhosis
Super-socialistic leftists are very atrocious
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum, twiddly ay!
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum, twiddly ay!

And they don't know anything!

They can scream 'til they're black and blue
When left-wing dems are chatting, don't take their advice

Now since they're so absurd, you'll have to repeat this twice

That's right

I'm sure the verbal description would make them have a tiff
And every liberal is airheaded, if you get my drift! Ha!
Super-socialistic leftists are very atrocious
They really need an evaluation or diagnosis!

Name some more liberals, and they're




Super-socialistic leftists that are atrocious!
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum, twiddly ay
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum, twiddly ay
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum, twiddly ay
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum, twiddly ay

Barney Frank can barely talk, and he "lithps"

All empty rhetoric, because liberalism is a myth

And global warming really doesn't exist
Something those Harvard "scholars" really missed
Super-socialistic leftists are very atrocious

If you say it again, they'll be very ferocious

Check their head for a schizophrenic psychosis

Super-socialistic leftists are very atrocious!
Super-socialistic leftists are very atrocious!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.1
How Funny: 4.2
Overall Rating: 4.1

Total Votes: 29

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   5
 2   2
 3   0
 4   0
 5   22

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Michael Pacholek - April 06, 2009 - Report this comment
As you said, "unless I'm very mistaken." Which you are, as usual.
Eac Zeffron - April 06, 2009 - Report this comment
Agreed with Michael P!
Hu's On First - April 06, 2009 - Report this comment
Agreed with Michael P and EZ. And this parody is more than a little ironic, given that most of the "schizophrenic psychosis" seems to be on the right wing of politics these days. Like there was Rush Limbaugh's coded anti-Semitic rant in which he claimed that the economic crisis was a pro-Obama conspiracy led by George Soros and "international bankers". Or Ann Coulter's insistence that the Council of Conservative Citizens (a known white-supremacist group which claims that nonwhite immigration is turning the US into a "slimy brown mass of glop"), is in no way racist. Or G. Gordon Liddy's claim that Barack Obama is going to put all white Americans into concentration camps that will serve "ham hocks and turnip greens". Or Sean Hannity allowing the notorious anti-Semite Andy Martin (who said he wasn't sorry the Holocaust happened) to be a guest on his show. Not only that, there's the fact that the majority of conservative commentators welcomed Jerome Corsi and his "Obama Nation" book with open arms last summer, even though Corsi is only slightly less crazy than David Icke (he believes the Earth's core is made of oil, that John McCain was financed by terrorists and drug smugglers, that Martin Luther King Jr. was a "shakedown artist", that Democratic politicians were actively working to help Iran obtain a nuclear bomb, that Barack Obama is secretly Muslim, and that John Kerry is secretly Jewish). And Corsi has also appeared guessed it...a white-supremacist radio talk show along with the likes of David Duke, Hal Turner (a prominent neo-Nazi who was a regular guest on Hannity's radio show in the 1990s), Don Black, etc. So this parody is basically reality turned inside out, then stood on its head, and THEN turned into a photographic negative ;-)
Andria - April 06, 2009 - Report this comment
I agree with Michael Pacholek, Eac Zeffron and Hu's On First wholeheartedly. There is a little bit of truth to John Kerry being Jewish, since some family members of his several generations back were of Semite origin, came to the US, dropped a coin on a map and came up with County Kerry, Ireland, which is where they got their last name and also tried to make themselves seem Irish, even going as far as becoming Roman Catholics. G. Gordon Liddy, Limbaugh, Hannity, Duke, McCain and the other highly conservative politicos brought up by HOF don't seem to have a bit of worth, likability (or in the case of Liddy) common sense. For this, I give you all 1s.
rob - April 06, 2009 - Report this comment
i love the global warming line. scientists around the globe have declard the earth actually cooled 1/2 a degree in the last 8 years so the liberals didnt change the "facts" or thier findings, rather, they changed the name to global climate change. of corse it changes. duh ! what a self righteous group that thinks they are God like and can controll the weather patterns. it's a lie, but the left has to approve it cause they cant dissagree with thier party like a conservative can. good work on this.
Gorebull Alarming - April 06, 2009 - Report this comment
Let's not forget that Al Gore did a fair amount of kissin' and huggin' with none other than Fred Phelps in his day, too.
bor - April 06, 2009 - Report this comment
I have to agree with the first 3 commenters. But of course I disagree with FOF, rob, and GA. We do not need these stupid political debates sparking up. If we could put a stop to it, then that'd be great. I would love to see peace restored to this site; these political debates are completley pointless.

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