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Song Parodies -> "Who shall rule this Redmond Company?"

Original Song Title:

"American Nation"

Original Performer:

Henry Clay Work

Parody Song Title:

"Who shall rule this Redmond Company?"

Parody Written by:

Darby S.

The Lyrics

me tired of paroding a song dat's microsoft-themed. mac os x should be pronounce mac oh-es ten, instead of eks. should ctrl-c and ctrl-v!
Who shall rule this Redmond Company?
Say, Gates, say!
Who shall sit in the Redmond, Washington?
Say, Gates, say!
Shall the Redmondians who trapped on Microsoft?
They who now their company would breakup?
They who murder the Judge Jackson?
Say, Gates, say!

"No, Ballmer! no, Ballmer!"
The loyal billions say;
And 'tis they who rule this Computer Company!
They, Gates, they!

What's the date for Mac OSX (ten)?
March 24, 2001!
If not, this Company splits up?
Switch to Mac!
Then shall one elected as our CEO,
Then, Steve Ballmer, what they beat?!
Who created Microsoft?
Paul Allen and Bill Gates!

"No, Ballmer! no, Ballmer!"
The loyal billions say;
And 'tis they who rule this Computer Company!
They, Gates, they!

Who shall rule this Redmond Company?
Say, Gates, say!
Who shall sit in the Redmond, Washington?
Say, Gates, say!
Shall the Redmondians who trapped on Microsoft?
They who now their company would breakup?
They who murder the Judge Jackson?
Say, Gates, say!

"No, Ballmer! no, Ballmer!"
The loyal billions say;
And 'tis they who rule this Computer Company!
They, Gates, they!

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