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Song Parodies -> "Come Fry With Me"

Original Song Title:

"Come Fly With Me"

Original Performer:

Frank Sinatra

Parody Song Title:

"Come Fry With Me"

Parody Written by:

The Parody Author

The Lyrics

Come fry with me, let's fry, let's fry away
If you can't stand the heat, we'll turn it up, okay?
Pack up your spatula, don't forget your apron
We'll cook up some fun, no time for nappin'

Once I get you up there, where the oil is hot
We'll sizzle and sauté, just like a pro chef's got
You'll flip and you'll toss, make the food fly high
Come fry with me, let's reach for the French fry sky

In the kitchen, we'll blend flavors so fine
From crispy chicken to golden fries, it's time to dine
We'll make a culinary masterpiece, no doubt
Come fry with me, we'll cook up a feast that's stout

Come fry with me, let's dive into the deep-fried scene
We'll batter and dip, the flavors will be supreme
Grab your tongs and let's make some tasty bites
Come fry with me, it'll be a food lover's delight

So if you like your food with a touch of fry
Come fry with me, let's give it a try
Together we'll explore the delicious and fried
Come fry with me, and let your taste buds glide!

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Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 26

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   26

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