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Song Parodies -> "Matamata Matter"

Original Song Title:

"My Eyes Are Fully Open"

Original Performer:

Cast of Ruddigore

Parody Song Title:

"Matamata Matter"

Parody Written by:

Phil Alexander

The Lyrics

Seen on Facebook:
A real news story from a few years ago in New Zealand: there's a small town near the city of Hamilton called Matamata. The Hamilton City Council had been asked to fix a leaking watermain in the town but - according to a HCC spokesperson: "We didn't deal with the matter, because the matter was a Matamata matter."

After reading that, how could this not have been written? The full interview probably went something like this...
If anyone is unaware of the tune (it nearly works to the Major-General's song, but the scansion is slightly different):
[HCC Spokesman]
The water main is broken
It's an awful situation
But it's someone else's problem
So by way by explanation
That although Main Street is submarine
And most beset by flooding
It's not happening in Hamilton
And so we will do nudding

Though I don't want peeps to perish in
The torrential floodwater
To interfere with nearby towns
Is what we should *not* oughta
And though this newfound river
Makes the citizenry scatter
Here's a bargepole - we won't touch it:
It's a Matamata matter!

It's a Matamata matter!
It's a Matamata matter!
It's a Matamata matter!
matter, Matamata matter! etc

[Matamata Mater]
To go out in this flooding
Is silly and not very wise
Our kids are getting washed away
They'll end up down with Pennywise
The magnitude of what we face
Should not be dismissed trivially
Our Civil Engineers are all
Behaving most un-civilly

And so we plead with Hamilton
For plumbing help with something
Their handwashing (like Pilate) shows
The depths that they are plumbing
Yes it seems that they consider that
We're damage that's collater-
Al, they pass the bucking buck, say
It's a Matamata matter!

It's a Matamata matter!
It's a Matamata matter!
It's a Matamata matter!
matter, Matamata matter! etc

[HCC Spokesman]
If only we were lucky so
To have the spare resources
To have swum down to the water main
And fixed your water courses
It's oh, *so* not our problem
That your pipework is collapsing
In Hamilton, I must ensure
Our taxes aren't too taxing

And also: health and safey
Oh, yes that is not the only one
The person who might fix it
Will not be a Hamiltonian
So why not make the best of it?
You could hold a regatta
We're not coming out to fix it
It's a Matamata matter!

It's a Matamata matter!
It's a Matamata matter!
It's a Matamata matter!
matter, Matamata matter! etc

[Matamata chatter]
So we're gonna make the best of it
And hold our first regatta
No, it never will be fixed, and
It's a Matamata matter!

Ah, but rowing would be easier
If the water, it was flatter
And it starts to go downhill, it's still
A Matamata matter
Matter, Matamata matter
Matter, Matamata matter

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Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 1.0
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Total Votes: 93

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   92
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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John Dacey - February 03, 2024 - Report this comment
With rhyme sublime, it keeps the time! It's been a long while since I've visited this site. I'm glad I was here to find this one. Nice work.

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