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Song Parodies -> "Let Them Play: Boston University Football, 1997"

Original Song Title:

"Let Us Pray"

Original Performer:

Steven Curtis Chapman

Parody Song Title:

"Let Them Play: Boston University Football, 1997"

Parody Written by:

Edward Genereux

The Lyrics

This parody goes out to all colleges and universities in the USA and Canada that once had football programs but have since discontinued them, especially the title team, the Boston University Terriers. All schools mentioned were NCAA football members that remain Division I non-football schools, sometimes referred to as Division I-AAA schools in reference to the old names of Division I's football subdivisions. Had I written this in '97, this might have been sung by students, alumni and fans of Boston University.

Stanza I.
This ain't no time for much hand-clappin';
I knew this was bound to happen,
But at Cal State Fullerton or Evansville.
Boston U. is decorated,
But so we can be elated,
We refuse to take the football-killing pill.
They might remove their numerals from uniforms,(1)
But we will still sing out in this, our perfect storm:

Refrain I.
Let them play! let them play;
They live for it every day.
Oh, no matter what they say, the team's important
'Cos the faculty know nothing 'bout what they have sowed.
Soon a new program will grow, so let them play.

Stanza II.
So when we see degeneration
In the school's administration
We need far more information--let them play.
Let the press lambast us all!
We know that we'll never fall
As we hear from players calling: "Let us play!"
Oh, just because they kill the football team,
It doesn't mean that with the program goes the dream.

Refrain II.
So let them play! let them play;
They live for it every day.
Oh, no matter what they say, the team's important.
Just let them play every autumn;
May they never hit the bottom
Of the great Atlantic 10(2), so let them play.

Let us go to Nickerson Field(3) with confidence
As the day draws near
On which one may see a game
In this most hallowed stadium.

(Refrain I)

(Refrain II)
Footnotes: (1) This the Terriers did, removing uniform numerals from their helmets for the last two games of 1997 to protest the school's discontinuation of football, according to Previous Parody Added to the Site | Next Parody Added to the Site

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Pacing: 5.0
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Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
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 5   1

User Comments

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Invisible Boy - January 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember when this happened, Edward.
I recall, back in the day, driving down Storrow Drive and seeing Nickerson Field packed for BU football games. Not anymore
Now, I was a BC guy and we used to make fun of BU students because, err well, that's what we were supposed to do. I mean, who wants to ride the Green Line from class to class ?
Anyway, the BU hockey team is doing great this year.
I have a parody about the colleges in Boston, but the references are too "local" to fly here. Plus, it's to the tune of "For Boston", the BC fight song, which no one knows.

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