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Song Parodies -> "The Animalistic Song"

Original Song Title:

"The Animal Song"

Original Performer:

Savage Garden

Parody Song Title:

"The Animalistic Song"

Parody Written by:

Steven Cavanagh

The Lyrics

Children never lie? Compassion in the jungle? What sort of milk-comes-from-bottles planet are these people living on?
When superstars put stupid lyrics running through your head
Some give up on real life, live in la-la land instead
Humans makes me nervous, people pushing me too far
I sit and file away
I've got sharp teeth now

Cause I want to live like animals
In anarchy like animals
I want to live
I want to tear at the flesh
and to eat the intestines of people that irritate me

I don't have any difficulties keeping to myself
I'm swinging on the curtains and I sleep up on the shelf.
Animals and children are the company I like
Only they can fit through the pet door and get inside

I'm livin' like the jungle
I make my chest expand, yeah yeah
Get faeces and I'm throwin' it
Would you like to take my hand, yeah, yeah

Cause I want to live like animals
In anarchy like animals
I want to live
I want to sniff people's crotches
and run round the neighborhood marking my territory

Sometimes this life can get you down
It's so confusing
There's so many rules to follow
And I feel it
And something just snaps in my mind

When superstars put stupid lyrics running through your head
Some give up on real life, live in la-la land instead
Females make me grunt, I've mated 9 of them so far
Ran across the highway,
nearly got hit by a car

I'm livin' like the jungle
I make my chest expand, yeah yeah
Get faeces and I'm throwin' it
Would you like to take my hand, yeah, yeah

Cause I want to live like animals
In anarchy like animals
I want to live
I climb the trees like the jungle
I sit in the park and I pick at my fleas

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Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Claude Prez - September 29, 2003 - Report this comment
Well, I don't know the original or what story this came from but I refuse to believe you deserve a three for pacing because your pacing is always great. Also, who doesn't love a little crotch-sniffing and faeces-throwing? So fives by default.
Sweet-Indigo - September 30, 2003 - Report this comment
Excellent! Made me laugh so hard and I actually like that song (although you've got a good point, it really is mostly idealistic crap, I just like the music :)) I'm actually amazed that anyone's written another parody to this song, I did a while back but it got two votes... whoo. Your version is funnier though :) <-- here's my version
anny - July 02, 2004 - Report this comment
hehehehe...kewl...funny as heck

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