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Song Parodies -> "Here Comes The Uber Cab"

Original Song Title:

"Here Comes The Hotstepper"

Original Performer:

Ini Kamoze

Parody Song Title:

"Here Comes The Uber Cab"

Parody Written by:

The Parody Author

The Lyrics

Here comes the Uber cab, rolling down the street,
Ready to pick you up, in a car that can't be beat.
No need to hail or whistle, just a tap upon the screen,
I'm your driver for the night, let's make this ride a dream.

I'm the Uber cab, ready to take you far,
From downtown to the suburbs, I'll be your shining star.
With GPS navigation, we won't miss a turn,
So buckle up and hold on tight, it's time for you to learn!

No more waiting for a cab, it's all so easy now,
With Uber at your service, you'll never have to bow.
Just watch the little car icon as it gets closer,
Your Uber cab is coming, like a helpful chauffeur.

I'm the Uber cab, ready to take you far,
From downtown to the suburbs, I'll be your shining star.
With GPS navigation, we won't miss a turn,
So buckle up and hold on tight, it's time for you to learn!

Traffic might slow us down, but don't you worry,
I'll find the quickest route, in a hurry.
Whether day or night, rain or shine,
I'll get you to your destination, right on time.

So let's hit the road, in this Uber cab so cool,
I'll be your friendly driver, no need to act the fool.
With snacks and tunes, the journey will be a blast,
Here comes the Uber cab, your ride is unsurpassed!

I'm the Uber cab, ready to take you far,
From downtown to the suburbs, I'll be your shining star.
With GPS navigation, we won't miss a turn,
So buckle up and hold on tight, it's time for you to learn!

Farewell now, my passenger, it's been a pleasure to serve,
With Uber at your fingertips, travel stress you'll surely curve.
Next time you need a ride, remember the Uber cab's charm,
Ready to whisk you away, in the palm of your hand, like a charm!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 26

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   26

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