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Song Parodies -> "This Is Meat"

Original Song Title:

"This Is Me"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"This Is Meat"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

This says "beef heart"
when the real ingrediant is wood
you chew it upand spit it out
that food never was any good
our company would never do that
you can trust us faithfully
"cuz your suspicion is right
in your can food that's not meat

it's making you nacious
making you sick
"Oh somebody kill me with an ice pick,
my stomach's hurtin'
I'm gettin' a little pale
did I just see a tail?!"

that was bird
this is beef
the difference is one's real meat
your chicken really is turtle and tripe
which is why shit don't taste right
that was hen
this is cow
you'll know the difference once you spit one out
Our company won't let you down
real beef is ground
can't you see?
that is rubber
maybe this is meat

How do you feel now
knowing that you're eating rat not cow
only thing we're guilty of
is giving you food you love
it's making you angry
making you fuss
"Oh somebody please just hang us
so our pork is really not hog?"
"Nope you're eating frog!"


Don't suffocate yourself with their steaks
those cans are filled with lots of mistakes
Don't eat the fruit labelled like "this"
The fruit's marinated in PISS!

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Pacing: 1.5
How Funny: 1.5
Overall Rating: 1.5

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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