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Song Parodies -> "If I Had A Million Conures"

Original Song Title:

"If I Had A Million Dollars"

Original Performer:

Barenaked Ladies

Parody Song Title:

"If I Had A Million Conures"

Parody Written by:

Birdie Belle

The Lyrics

If I Had A Million Dollars is one of those songs that always make me happy. So do conures!
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd buy a birdhouse
I would buy a birdhouse
And if I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
I'd build one million nests for the house
Maybe use pine needles or some branches
And if I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd buy them some millets
A nice reliant snack for the day
And if I had a million conures
I'd buy some more!
If I had a million conures
I'd build a tree fort in our yard
If I had a million conures
They could fly up there with the Malliard
If I had a million conures
Maybe we can put like a little tiny bath in there somewhere
You know, they could just go up there and swim
Like splash around and sing
And there would already be seeds laid out for they
Like little sunflower seeds and things, mm
They have 50 count mealworms, but they don't have 50 count broccoli spears
Well, can you blame them?
Uh, yeah?
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd buy the Jenday ones
And those sun conure ones, they’re cool!
And if I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd buy them an exotic plant
Yep, a fiddleneck, no, more millet
And if I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd buy them those rock n’ roll songs
Ooh, all those crazy conure dances
And if I had a million conures
I'd buy some more
If I had a million conures
We would always fly to the store
If I had a million conures
We'd start a drone service for the things at the store
If I had a million conures
They wouldn't have to eat super mealworms
But they would eat super mealworms
Of course they would, they'd just eat more
And add really expensive spices to it
That's right, all the Fancy feast, cat flavored spices, mm, mm
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd buy a pearly one
And a nice green cheek one, they’re cool
And if I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd paint them as art
A Garden of Conure Delights!
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
Well, I'd buy them a monkey
Conures would just love a monkey!
If I had a million conures
I'd buy some more
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
If I had a million conures
It’d be great!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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