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Song Parodies -> "The Anti Label Song (A.K.A Wannabe)"

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Parody Song Title:

"The Anti Label Song (A.K.A Wannabe)"

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The Lyrics

Ah... the power of labels cause people to do the stupidest things... so here's a song to save your damn souls.
(ring of the telephone)

Girl- Wazzup? - Boy- YO! Girl- You goin' to da rave t'night? Boy- He!! yeah! Girl- Iz da masta gonna be thurr? Boy- Fo shizzle on ma nizzle!

It's just not right, what is in my sight
I'm thundering and ranting
Nothing original anymore here, it's all crystal clear
Labels and antis are fiiiighting

Is it just for the grooves?
Glory or hearing those 'cool's?
A label army is recruiting...
You wanna be bad arz so you drink beer
You're underaged and it's stupid.

Boy- I wrote an punk song about you Girl- Kewl man! Boy- And it's how I love you Girl- Yeah it's so not emo! Boy- Rock out now Girl- NANANANA! Boy- NANANANA! - Mew- Labels are nightmares! Boy- Mew you'd better run I'm gonna kill ya now!

Punks was never dead cuz it was just a labeeeellll
I'll kill Mew, I'll kill her, I will kill her!
And Gothics were a tribe somewhere in Europe (look it up dude)
You're lieing I'm Gothic! (not)

Labels keep coming, they keep coming yeah, they keep coming! They keep coming!

The labelers broke out, called me a cheerleader (but I am the resistince...?), now they say I'm a freak.
Man, oh man, labels are for cans, and you'll never caaatch me!

Boy- Now I shall kill you! Mew- I'm SO scared *note sarcasm*
Boy- Then I'll munch on you! Mew- What the hell?
Boy- I'm catching up now! Mew - Why are you in your underwear???
boy- *drunk sounding laugh* Mew- *to audience* Never drink, guys!
Boy- Oh damn, I just passed out...!

Labels were mean for soup cans and sun screeeaaaannnnn
I'll get Mew, I'll get her!
Punks and others... oh God who cares?
I do, cuz I am!

Labels keep coming, they keep coming yeah! They keep coming...

Labels have no meaning they make me want to hurl (hee hee hee hee!!!)
You coulda labeled youself Gothic, but it's really no surprise...
Insecurity is in my sight,
Jealousy and actual personality fright,
I swear I'll take all the labelers out of my junior high in the dead of the night!!!

Punk was never dead and will never be alive cuz it's a labeeeellll
This parody is killing me, litterally!
Gothics and punks who cares they're all labels that come alive in labelers dreams...
I'm not so very athletic, I think I'm gonna die!

Keep your label slate cleeeeeeeaaaaan (they're dumb, oh yeah)

Keep running Mew, keep running Mew! He's gonna get you!

OH NO HES NOT! *insane laughter*
Um... yeah. Flame me all you want, personally and otherwise. My e-mail is, and you can flame me here to. By all means, do, I enjoy it actually.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 2

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

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MewSword - August 24, 2004 - Report this comment
And the thing with the junior high and dead of the night and... um... lemme quote here- Labels have no meaning they make me want to hurl (hee hee hee hee!!!) You coulda labeled youself Gothic, but it's really no surprise... Insecurity is in my sight, Jealousy and actual personality fright, I swear I'll take all the labelers out of my junior high in the dead of the night!!! It's sorta rapped sorta sung... what the bald guy always does, incase you don't know. -_-'' forgot to put that there..

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