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Song Parodies -> "Hat In My Kitchen"

Original Song Title:

"Rat In Mi Kitchen"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Hat In My Kitchen"

Parody Written by:

The Parody Author

The Lyrics

There's a hat in my kitchen, what's that I see?
There's a hat in my kitchen, a mystery to me
I don't recall it being there before
That hat in my kitchen, it's something I can't ignore

I try to cook my meals, but the hat's in the way
I can't sauté my veggies, it's causing delay
I've looked all around, but no owner's in sight
That hat in my kitchen, oh, what a strange sight

There's a hat in my kitchen, I can't deny
I wonder how it got there, oh my, oh my
It's sitting on the counter, all alone
That hat in my kitchen, it's like it found a home

I ask my family, but no one knows
Who left that hat behind, it's a curious pose
It's blocking the blender, and the toaster too
That hat in my kitchen, what should I do?

I've tried to move it, but it won't budge
That hat's got a grip, like it's stuck with a grudge
I've even left a note, but no response
That hat in my kitchen, it's like a prank ensconced

There's a hat in my kitchen, it's quite absurd
I wonder who left it, without a single word
It's become a kitchen fixture, that's for sure
That hat in my kitchen, it's like a décor lure

So now I've accepted, that hat's strange stay
In my kitchen, it's here to play
A quirky companion, with a touch of fun
That hat in my kitchen, a unique one

There's a hat in my kitchen, a headgear surprise
I've grown quite attached, I realize
It's sitting there, with a fashionable spin
That hat in my kitchen, it's like a guest within

That hat in my kitchen, what a tale to tell
A stylish intruder, in my culinary spell
I may never know, how it came to be
But that hat in my kitchen, it's a part of me.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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