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Song Parodies -> "Me, Myself and I"

Original Song Title:

"Me, Myself, and I"

Original Performer:

De La Soul

Parody Song Title:

"Me, Myself and I"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

a man discovers he's schitzophrenic and the voices in his head are named Me, Myself, and I.
(Verse 1): Doctor, doctor, whom I call
Tell me doctor, what is wrong?
Could it be my own cell phone?
Or could it be my favorite song?
I know that this ain’t make believe
Hearing makes me cry
And when I am at home alone
I hear from me, myself, and I

(Chorus): I hear from Me, Myself, and I
I hear from Me, Myself, and I
I hear from Me, Myself, and I

(Verse 2): Now they talk to me for days
And the voices never stop
And they say bad things, to do it
No, I won’t! Is there a pill to pop?
I think I might be schizophrenic
There’s no need to lie
And when it comes to hearin voices
I hear from Me, Myself, and I

(Chorus): I hear from Me, Myself, and I
I hear from Me, Myself, and I
I hear from Me, Myself , and I

(Verse 3): Proud, not proud of what I am
The things they say are not good things
Please, oh please guys, go away
To somewhere where no voices ring
This is wrong and keep it hidden
From my mom, and dad that is
Toss and turn, all night from them
Get no slumber and cannot whizz
The voices, they are in my head
And this fact I can’t deny
When asked by me, what they are called
They answer Me, Myself, and I

(Chorus): They answer Me, Myself, and I
They answer Me, Myself, and I
They answer Me, Myself, and I

(Verse 4): Glory, Glory, Hallelu
I have learned to live like you
When they start to talk to me
Now I listen to them see
People think I am crazy
By stating that I’m hearing things
I know this so I think of “Myself”
And he says; “Whack is Back!”
Doctor, Doctor, whom I called
I don’t need another med
I am fine with being nuts
So I will not see you again
But if you stop me, I will calmly punch you
To the 4th day of July
Cause no one messes with the 3 me’s
That is Me, Myself, and I

It’s just Me, Myself and I (repeat 4x)

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Pacing: 3.3
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 2.3

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   1

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