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Song Parodies -> "Sworn Between Two Brothers"

Original Song Title:

"Torn Between Two Lovers"

Original Performer:

Mary MacGregor

Parody Song Title:

"Sworn Between Two Brothers"

Parody Written by:

William Tong

The Lyrics

(instrumental intro)

These are times when a moron now holds sway over this land.
And we know the right wing wants to go berserk.
Most heinous crime we've ever heard: when they installed George Dubya.
'Cause five judges of the Supreme Court were Bush Republicans.

In Florida, Jeb's the man who succeeded helping Shrub.
Purging voter rolls, then cleaned the mess.
Bush's "skills" do not impress us, 'cause they're spun by all his shills.
There's still an empty place inside his head, his brains can never fill...

Sworn between two brothers:
Stealin' for the Fool.
Helpin' Dubya, by breakin' all the rules.
Sworn between two brothers:
Stealin' for the Fool.
Jeb helped his bro' by breakin' all the rules.

His bumbling and his failures
Would have toppled someone else.
But he was crowned King Shrub,
'Cause of his dad.
And all the things we've always said...
'Bout Shrub, they still are true.
For no one else had the head start
They gave to W.

Sworn between two brothers,
Stealin' for the Fool.
Helpin' Dubya, by breakin' all the rules.
Sworn between two brothers,
Stealin' for the Fool.
Jeb helped his bro' by breakin' all the rules.

The Bush nightmare may claim you, if you don't send him away.
Look at everything Bush tried to hide this past Election Day...

Sworn between two brothers,
Stealin' for the Fool.
Helpin' Dubya, by breakin' all the rules.
Sworn between two brothers,
Stealin' for the Fool.
Jeb helped his bro' by breakin' all the rules.

Sworn between two brothers,
Stealin' for the Fool.
Helpin' Dubya, by breakin' all the rules.
Sworn between two brothers,
Stealin' for the Fool.
Jeb helped his bro' by breakin' all the rules.

(repeat chorus and fade)

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Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 43

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   10
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   32

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