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Song Parodies -> "Woke Won't Be Slaughtered"

Original Song Title:

"Smoke On The Water"

Original Performer:

Deep Purple

Parody Song Title:

"Woke Won't Be Slaughtered"

Parody Written by:

eel deal

The Lyrics

ai made this when given a chorus fragment:

In a land called Florida, DeSantis took a stand,
He aimed to silence progress with a heavy hand.
But we won't back down, we'll let our voices rise,
To challenge his agenda, with truth and no disguise.

He thinks he can dismiss us, sweep us under the rug,
But we're here to say no, with passion and with love.
For wokism is a movement, seeking equal rights,
To dismantle oppression, and shine a brighter light.

Woke won't be slaughtered by regressive minds,
For it fights for justice, compassion that binds.
We won't let them dim our fire, or silence our call,
For wokism unites us, standing tall for all.

They claim it's all "cancel culture," a threat to free speech,
But we see through their tactics, their intentions we impeach.
Wokism challenges privilege, dismantles the old ways,
It's a call for empathy and justice that stays.

So don't let them fool you, with their fear and their lies,
Wokism isn't about division, it's about tearing down the ties.
Of systemic oppression, that hold us all back,
It's about building a better world, on a fairer track.

Woke won't be slaughtered by regressive minds,
For it fights for justice, compassion that binds.
We won't let them dim our fire, or silence our call,
For wokism unites us, standing tall for all.

So let our voices echo, in the face of their disdain,
For wokism is a beacon, in a world that needs a change.
We'll keep pushing forward, with love and unity,
For a future that's inclusive, where everyone can be free.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.1
How Funny: 1.1
Overall Rating: 1.1

Total Votes: 27

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   26
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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