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Song Parodies -> "Whinging 'Bout Luna Park"

Original Song Title:

"Knockin' on Heaven's Door"

Original Performer:

Bob Dylan/Cold Chisel/Guns n Roses

Parody Song Title:

"Whinging 'Bout Luna Park"

Parody Written by:

No 56279

The Lyrics

3 Artists: Dylan wrote the original, Chisel played 3 verses, Gunners added the phone call. The parody is a combination of the three, so the pacing could be out depending on which version you know.The story: Luna Park is a very old fun park next to Sydney Harbour. Right now people who moved next door a couple of years ago are trying to sue the owners over noise from the park. One claims his daughter can't visit him any more because she 'has' to smoke and it's too noisy to do so on the balcony.
I can't hear my Bach CDs
And I can't hear my poodle bark
I didn't know there would be noise
When I moved next door to Luna Park

Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park

My flat has great harbour views
So close I can see the sharks
Extremely rich, but now I'm bored
Think I'll go whinge "bout Luna Park

Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park

Phone call (girl's voice, rushed):
Hi dad, I'm sorry I can't visit this weekend,
You know how hard it is to smoke with the noise outside.
Actually, I'm not coming because you're a wanker
But I don't tell you that because you'll probably try to sue me too.

Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park

People tell me "get a life"
And "pull your head out of your arse"
But I don't think that's good advice
I'll just keep whinging "bout Luna Park

Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park
Whinge, whinge, whinging "bout Luna Park

Apologies to the neighbours (the majority I believe) who do not have a problem with people enjoying themselves near their home.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.5

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

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Jake A Ralphing (Luke Brattoni) - May 07, 2005 - Report this comment
Ha! Good work! Stick it to those stupid twats, Luna Park is a landmark!

The author of the parody has authorized comments, and wants YOUR feedback.

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