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Song Parodies -> "Leftwingers"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Beatles/George Harrison

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Robert John

The Lyrics

Have you heard any Leftwingers
On your radio?
No, you haven't, I wouldn't think so.
They don't have any shows.
Since what they claim to know defies all logic.

Liberals all full of woe,
Trying to change your world.
Liberals wanting to stop freedoms,
Making us want to hurl.
Mostly they're stuffed shirts...or they're anarchic.

In their glass houses without any backing
They make up 'facts' to explain things that go on around.
But in their ideas there's something lacking
What they need's a good fact-checking.

In too many places, too many lefties
Telling liberal lies.
It won't matter, their ideas are losing...
People are getting wise.
We will no longer buy, and that's fantastic!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.9
How Funny: 2.4
Overall Rating: 2.8

Total Votes: 12

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   3
 2   4
 3   0
 4   1
 5   4

User Comments

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joe - January 04, 2005 - Report this comment
"Liberals wanting to stop freedoms"??? I think you mean conservatives.
Robert John - January 04, 2005 - Report this comment
Yes, liberals want to force people to stop using their own personal property in the way they want. An 'endangered' mosquito was found on your land? Sorry...can't develop it. Bought an SUV? Sorry...can't drive it. Have a fur coat? Sorry...can't wear it. How about a nice, juicy hamburger? Sorry...can't eat it. Want to utter something politically incorrect? Sorry...can't say it. Conservatives strive to achieve the good for the society as a whole, not just for the individual which, in turn, raises everyone up equally. In conservatism, freedoms are not taken away for the individual unless those freedoms come with too high of a price for the entire population at large. Yes, lines must be drawn somewhere, so it might as well be at the place where they help the most people. And yes, some things ARE black and white.
joe - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
Robert John you really have it all wrong - can you say Patriot Acts? You also state that Conservatives believe in the tyranny of the majority - no liberal would ever subscribe to that. Conservatism is based on those pushing their morals and values on the rest of the population as well as curtailing rights; it's much closer to fascism than liberalism will ever be. You obviously have been drinking the kool-aid; I hope it's good.
John Jenkins - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
Good parody, good comment, Robert. Keep contributing - we need more conservatives/defenders of freedom on this site.
Melanie Lee - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
Your pacing is atrocious and I find your comments unoriginal, uninsightful, and unfunny--and unclever, if that's a word. Of course, I'm a liberal. But you could've gotten better points if your statements went beyond insult into insight. 2-1-2--and I'm being generous. According to the Bible...Liberal Equals Noble and Generous!
Melanie Lee - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
BTW: no leftwingers on the radio? Ever heard of Air America? National Public Radio? Or maybe they just don't carry those networks where you live. (I live in Queens, NY.) The Tradition of the Protest Song
Melanie Lee - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
Me again...BTW, to prove I'm not a humorless leftist, here's a great parody that makes fun of liberal politics: An Elected Left-Wing President
"a good fact-checking" - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
Are you a Beatles fan? Does their being "Leftwingers" make you question your easy partisanship? And did it ever occur to you what kind of people George was satirizing with his lines about "the bigger piggies in their starched white shirts"?
John Jenkins - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
Joe - I agree that the Patriot is probably flawed legislation, but it passed 99 - 1 in the Senate and 357 - 66 in the House, so a lot of "liberals" supported it. I think an appropriate question is whether current Republicans are true conservatives as described by Robert John. I would argue that Republicans, such as George Bush, who support the War on Drugs, and advocate farm subsidies and import tariffs on steel on other goods are not true conservatives.
John Jenkins - January 05, 2005 - Report this comment
Melanie Lee – you make some good points, and I commend you for perceiving the quality of Stay Pooch's parody. I like your web site argument that liberal equals noble and generous, but I have different interpretation of the fact that current versions of the Bible use the words noble and generous where the KJV used liberal. The change is not because they have the same meanings – the change is because liberal no longer has that meaning. In today's political context, liberal means spending other people's money, which is not really generous or noble. It is generous, noble, and effective for people to commit their own time and money to charitable causes they believe in. And, the bigger the government becomes with liberal programs that require high levels of spending and taxing, the harder it is for individuals to accomplish this.
Robert John - January 06, 2005 - Report this comment
Melanie Lee - I don't particularly care about getting points for not insulting, since I was TRYING to insult. I was actually parodying another parody on this site of the same song. Anyway, the pacing is almost exactly the same as the original. By the way, I hope all of you liberals keep thinking the same way as you are now. It makes it so much easier for conservatives (or at least Republicans acting as conservatives) to win elections. I am NOT a Republican.
Jet Seargent - September 02, 2005 - Report this comment
You do realise how ironic it is to use a George Harrison song to parody liberals? Hey, I really don't agree with you, but I'll give you this, you're more mature than the guy who wrote 'Rightwingers'. But as far as political parodies go, the original beats the hell outta both of you. *Are* you a Beatles fan?

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