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Song Parodies -> "Fear of the Cat"

Original Song Title:

"Year of the Cat"

Original Performer:

Al Stewart

Parody Song Title:

"Fear of the Cat"

Parody Written by:

Tony the Cat

The Lyrics

Kitty’s mourning when that dog starts moving
Near the country home; the fear’s feline.
The mutt’s strolling on the grounds—then peace, history.
Dog-in-waiting canine.

Cat would like a stun gun when the ripper’s running,
Showing lots of choler, bent on pain.
This bothering beast is a vexation;
They should keep it on a chain. . .
Instills fear in the cat.

Cat knows: for this canine, ingestion
Is on its mind. . .like all curs;
They would swallow the fress, then indigestion—
Cat exits from the rear. . .
The fear of the cat.

To a tree that’s tall, traumatized cat crawls,
Then the kitty’s high up in the yew.
The cat has barely saved its life,
Then heart arrhythmia ensues. . .
The fear of the cat.

The dog looks up there so cruelly,
And its eyes shine like a rat’s—so beadily.
Cat would love a snack, ratatouille
Made of mutt and zucchini—milk on the side.
A feast for the cat.

Dog’s droning on, its baying witless;
The cat just hopes that it will be gone. . .
Would be a cause to rejoice; the dog, first—shit fest
Then the cat it’s upon.

So the dumb beast brays; seems all night he’ll stay
There, just lickin his chops that would taste
That sweet feline; the hound then sees ’er,
Owner. . .humps her leg in haste.
Outta here is the cat!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.5
How Funny: 3.5
Overall Rating: 4.5

Total Votes: 2

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   1

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