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Song Parodies -> "Yo, Swifties"

Original Song Title:

"Sweet Pea"

Original Performer:

Tommy Roe

Parody Song Title:

"Yo, Swifties"

Parody Written by:

Jeff in Richmond VA

The Lyrics

I am so sick of Taylor Swift. Teen Pop Schlock and juvenile dancing. Madonna did this Pop-Tart act 40 years ago and did it better. Facebook's feed is clogged ad nauseum with clips of Taylor Swift concerts and her fling with Travis Kelce. And the fans are as bad as Trump supporters. You say anything critical about her and they become extremely hostile. One Swiftie said to me, "Why don't YOU write a song?" So I did.
Yo, Swifties, I'll tell you what I see...
Her show looks like a scene right out of "Glee"------
Yo, Swifties, Taylor is your girl
The only thing that matters in your world.

You went to a concert just the other night
You paid a thousand bucks, but then you say "that's alright"
She prances 'round the stage like she's doin' a strip tease
Her tickets cost a fortune and that don't include fees!

Yo, Swifties, come on and tell me please...
Why you like this music made for Tweens?
Yo, Swifties, she'll shake her ass and twirl
What the hell's so special 'bout this girl??

Her singing's mediocre and she surely can't dance
She's really put it over on her millions of fans.
A lot of folks on Facebook are thinkin' like me
So, now we're gettin' bullied by you angry Swifties.

Yo, Swifties, it looks to me like she....
is dancing like she's holding in her pee
Yo, Swifties, in your plastic world
What is your obsession for this girl?

Their need for the attention is perfectly clear
So her and Travis Kelce make a really good pair
Hope that they get married so we'll finally have peace
Have a bunch of Swifties on the Kansas City Chiefs

Yo, Swifties, it's all insanity
She's so rich, she ought to play for free
Yo, Swifties, it makes us want to hurl
Why the hell you worshipping this girl??

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.1
How Funny: 1.1
Overall Rating: 1.1

Total Votes: 58

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   57
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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