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Song Parodies -> "G.W. The Great Purtender"

Original Song Title:

"The Great Pretender"

Original Performer:

The Platters

Parody Song Title:

"G.W. The Great Purtender"

Parody Written by:

Kim West

The Lyrics

Yee haw, I'm the great purtender (ooh ooh)
I steal oil whenever I can (ooh ooh)
My mandationly is surch, that I invade too much.
Cause I'm just a good o' boy don't ya see.

Oh yeah, I be the great libertator (ooh ooh)
The world is afeared of what I'll do (ooh ooh)
I'll bomb Iraq, then Iran, and maybe them Canadiens.
Cause you can fool me once, uh, I don't know the rest.

I made Americans think Osamy was Sadommy
To my great relief the media played along.
It be the truth!

Oooh wee, yeah, I be the great contender (ooh ooh)
Just laughing cause I fixed the vote (ooh ooh)
Now yur stuck with me fur many years (You'l see)
I be thinkin' I need a crown.
King George, now how do that sound?

Yaw hoo boy!
You bet this here is real, the vote
I done congealed.

Oooh wee, yeah, I be the great contender (ooh ooh)
Just laughing cause I fixed the vote. (ooh ooh)
Now yur stuck with me fur many years (You'l see)
I be thinkin' I need a crown.
King George, now how do that sound?

Kim West

Your Vote & Comment Counts

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Matches Pace of
Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.2
How Funny: 3.1
Overall Rating: 3.1

Total Votes: 10

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   0
 3   1
 4   0
 5   5

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Hey Now - January 21, 2005 - Report this comment
GWB does not have a Kentucky accent...
Michael Pacholek - January 21, 2005 - Report this comment
Bush may not be from Kentucky, but his brain is fried, and we know he's chicken. As for the parody, the pacing is way off, and half the song doesn't rhyme... on the other hand, that makes sense, since Our Fearless Appointed Wartime Leader With a Purpose is the narrator. So, as Georgie himself would say, "Mission accomplished!"
John Barry - January 21, 2005 - Report this comment
Nice job of replicating the man's third-world inflections.
Kim West - January 21, 2005 - Report this comment
Kim: I would like to thank those who have made comments, and who have voted for this parody. It would seem that songs that are controversial will always receive more attention than silly pieces of fluff. I have six other songs posted, but not one of them has as many votes or comments. So whether you think this song has the right pace or matches the original, the bottom line is, it did what is was supposed to do. It caught people's attention, and so I feel that it was a success. Hey Now: GWB does not have a Kentucky accent... Kim: I honestly did not know that I managed to make G.W. sound like he was from Kentucky. I merely wanted to capture the spirit of that keen intellect that he so often shows. I've never been to that state nor have I spoken to anyone from there, so I will have to take your word about such things. Michael Pacholek: Bush may not be from Kentucky, but his brain is fried, and we know he's chicken. As for the parody, the pacing is way off, and half the song doesn't rhyme... on the other hand, that makes sense, since Our Fearless Appointed Wartime Leader With a Purpose is the narrator. So, as Georgie himself would say, "Mission accomplished!" Kim: Your analysis is completely accurate kind sir. It would've been quite impossible for me to match the smooth flawless lyrics of the original song, while at the same time, trying to capture the imbecilic nature that is G. W. Bush. I cringe whenever he does a press conference, and I'm sure the rest of the world does as well. I really do appreciate your comments, because to me, they mean so much more than simple voting. I personally would like to know why this person gave me a five or that fellow gave me a one. Just looking at numbers doesn't really give me the complete picture. John Barry: Nice job of replicating the man's third-world inflections. Kim: It was really difficult to force myself to write bad grammar and to misspell words. Not that I am perfect in those areas mind you. Its that I hate to do so on purpose, but I knew that people would not believe a well spoken G.W. Bush.
Kim West - January 21, 2005 - Report this comment
Sorry about that. That was my first time posting a comment here. I had no idea that things would compress like that. And now I have to wait five bloody minutes to post this message because of some anti-flood control. I suppose there have been problems with that in the past? Well, I for one find it rather annoying.

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