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Song Parodies -> "Ethiopia"

Original Song Title:

"We Can Work it Out"

Original Performer:

The Beatles

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Glenn Walker

The Lyrics

This parody version comes from Acts:8:26-40. The entire song is sung by the Ethiopian Eunuch. Phillip was twelve disciples, and later an apostle of Jesus Christ. As an apostle, God called on Phillip to excuse himself from a great spiritual revival in Jerusalem and meet an Ethiopian man in the wilderness. CAUTION: The first verse of the parody contains implications of a semi-sexual nature that we are unaccustomed to seeing in Christian-themed lyrics. Those easily offended should move on to the next song. I decided to keep the lyrics unchanged: 1) It is historically accurate. In those days, eunuchs were commonly employed as bodyguards to the haram living quarters. 2) During this part of the parody, he had not yet received Christ, and any thrill he got - if any - was normal behavior.
I know what you're thinking
As a eunuch, I can only have a life of gloom
What I'm really thinking
You don't have my keys to every harem locker room
People, I am from

I was in the desert
I was reading Scripture but I did not understand
No one there to teach me
I need repentance for there was none in my land
I was headed toward

Life our way is cursed
I can't afford
To sign up for classes 'bout Jesus the Christ
If I put Him first
He'll be my Lord
And I would pay 'bout any price

God sent Phillip to me
He taught me Isaiah plainly sings the Gospel song
Jesus asked "Will you receive me?"
There's a chance that I might
Get baptized before too long
This will be a first for

Life our way is cursed
I can't afford
To sign up for classes 'bout Jesus the Christ
If I put Him first
He'll be my Lord
And I would pay 'bout any price

God sent Phillip to me
He taught me Isaiah plainly sings the Gospel song
Jesus asked "Will you receive me?"
There's a chance that I might
Get baptized before too long
This will be a first for

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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