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Song Parodies -> "Disneylandwasfunwhenyoungbutnowitsquiteobnoxious"

Original Song Title:

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Mary Poppins S"

Original Performer:

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Mary Poppins S

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

I wasa little little girl at the time
I wasa little little girl at the time

Even though I sing the songs
Most rides are dumb and slowious
If you take me back again
I'll knock you out unconcious

Um? Riddle fiddle middle um? little guy
Um? Riddle fiddle middle um? little guy

Well I was once to young to speak
I followed mom and dad
They sat me down next to a freak
But it was not so bad
So on that day I heard some words
Who spoke them no one knows
The longest word I ever heard
And this is how it goes:

Oh, manthisrideisreallylamebutSmallWorldisatrocious
Listen to the sound of it
It will give you hypnocious
Can you live through the whole ride
And not feel too nausocious?

I tendto agree withhim oh me oh my
I tendto agree withhim oh me oh my

We traveled on some crazy bug
And everywhere we went
He'd take us through a pack of cards
Can I stay? How's the rent?
Then jacks went bad and tried real hard to capture me
We got led out of there
And then I rode in a cup of tea

Oh, Ijustthrewupalloveranditsmellsquiteatrocious
Think you'd know the sound of it
It's something like bleeeeahocious
Won’t describe the looks of it
Trust me it looks hidocious

You havea changeof clothessome where forme right?
You havea changeof clothessome where forme right?

I can try to say it backwards looks like suoisonbgnuoynehwnufsawdnalyensiD but that’s silly and hard

Cheshire cat is on his head
I can't do that no way!
Look here
You listen to my words
Because I got something to say
Why don't you put your head back on
Go back to catching mice?

One night I had tea with a girl
Now fear her for my live * Off key note by Cheshire cat *
Stop you’ll upset the door mouse ooh!

Oh, Disneylandwasfunwhenyoungbutnowitsquiteobnoxious

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 28

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   26

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