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Song Parodies -> "Bill O'Reilly's A Jack-Ass"

Original Song Title:

"At The Mountains of Madness"

Original Performer:

HP Lovecraft

Parody Song Title:

"Bill O'Reilly's A Jack-Ass"

Parody Written by:

Paul Robinson

The Lyrics

Well, here's an OS from the mid-60's that most of you probably have never heard of...might not even have heard of the group, for that matter. As you can see, they named themselves after the famous author of macabre tales...and also took some of their song ideas and titles from his works....This is actually a pretty cool OS song, although not something you would classify under "easy listening". As for MY subject and story-line, well....isn't it time someone pasted that pompous, lying piece of crud Bill O'Reilly? I think here goes. BTW - some of this is based on the accusations of a former O'Reilly staff member. It never went to court because "fairly un-balanced Bill" paid her off so drop the if ya' think I'm being dirty, well, I'm just going with the flow's someone else's story. Now, if you want a little "fair & balanced" about old Bill....well, he just got busted AGAIN...SECOND TIME...for stating that a certain hideous WW II War Crime involving the murder of POW's was committed by AMERICAN TROOPS! SECOND TIME, mind you...when it was actually committed UPON American Troops...Why does Bill O'Reilly hate America? I had to throw that in...I'm SO tired of these crap-heads throwing that statement at people who disagree with the way the current Administration is running things. I've been willing to call "lies" & "deceit" what they are for quite a while now and I've taken a lot of crud as a result, so I ain't gonna stop now....
(Weird, very psychedelic Instrumental intro)

On the phone (on the phone)
member of my staff (member of my staff)
grab my bone (grab my bone)
pumpin' on the shaft
Now I start to groan and grunt
"Talk dirty, you worthless c*nt"

I'm a Jive-Ass Clown
A Moronic Jack-Ass

I am scum (he is scum)
lying sack of sh*t (he's a sack of sh*t)
Worthless clod (he's a clod)
d*ck is in my mitts (got it in his mitts)
On my pud I stroke and pound
Then I go out and expound

Spewing jive, I'm a jerk who is classless

You can see that I am lame
you cannot expect
the truth from me, no way
(spreading lies around, all over the town)
(disrespectful clown; tearing people down)

On the air
feckless liar

(Instrumental break)

And I dare
say "I'm balanced and fair"
I'm a liar
fibbing on the air

What I say is mostly lies
When will you jerk-offs get wise?
I'm a Liar, classless clown; I'm a Jack-Ass
Yes, I lie...I'm a Moronic Jack-Ass

[more psychedelic music out to end]

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.6
How Funny: 4.6
Overall Rating: 4.6

Total Votes: 9

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   8

User Comments

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alvin rhodes - July 07, 2006 - Report this comment
i heartily agree
Michael Pacholek - July 07, 2006 - Report this comment
You're right, and not just about the fact that I DKTOS. Which makes it hard to rate the song, but anything that rips Bill O'Really? gets a five from me.
Paul Robinson - July 07, 2006 - Report this comment
Thanks, alvin, I thought you might...Michael, HP Lovecraft (the group) never got very well known. The put out two pretty good albums in the mid-60's, some very interesting stuff....Anyway, I appreciate your trusting me on the pacing...I recorded a voice overlay on the OS and I can tell you it matches up. O'Reilly? Yeah, whatta piece-a work, huh?
Lionel Mertens - July 07, 2006 - Report this comment
I happen to like a lot of things about O'Reily but It's funny to hear you hold him accountable. 5's
MrMacphisto - July 07, 2006 - Report this comment
The only thing I like about O'Reilly is how his extreme patriotism effectively highlights the problems with neoconservatism. He's basically a parody of neoconservatism itself. The difference between him and Stephen Colbert is that Colbert is in on the joke, but O'Reilly expects people to take him seriously.... Whatever the case, good parody... 5-5-5
carol - July 09, 2006 - Report this comment
Bill is a jackass. I'm just wondering which end I should watch when he spews(oops I mean speaks) 5's
Paul Robinson - July 10, 2006 - Report this comment
Well, Lionel, I hope we all recognize the importance of "accountability"...especially from someone posturing as being "fair and balanced". Macphisto - I'm not sure that "neo-conservatism is anything but a joke (a very bad and destructive one). It seems based on a set of facile but totally off-base assumptions about, well, most everything. It seems a weakly constructed plan for Empire that employs the reverse of the old and totally discredited "Domino Theory". Neither "Theory" takes into account internal ethnic and tribal conflicts or consider Nationalism to be of much significance. It's a "one-size fits all" view of troubled or under-developed regions of the world that just doesn't hold serious water. I'm not sure they even care much about REAL "Democracy" for anyone - they certainly went out of their way to work around it here to get "Their" War in Iraq, didn't they? But if they let on that it's about establishing "Empire" they would find most Americans totally put-off and opposed...I only know of a couple people in my entire existence who have thought it was important or of more advantage than dis-advantage to try establishing and MAINTAINING this type of control - it would have to be thru force, and I just don't think Americans want to pay enough in blood and treasure to accomplish this. I think the 'Neo-cons" ought to go back to playing "Stratego" or wherever the Hell they got their goofy ideas from. OH...using the term "neo-conservativsm" to describes these clowns (it was their choice, I think) is another joke...these are some of the most "Radical" folks you will ever see or hear of. Nothing "Conservative" about what they wanted (and still want) to do. did I get started on this dissertation, anyway? Uh...anyway, thanks to you, too,, yeah - O'Reilly IS a Jack-Ass.

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