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Song Parodies -> "Han Won't be Cornered"

Original Song Title:

"Down On the Corner"

Original Performer:

Creedence Clearwater Revival

Parody Song Title:

"Han Won't be Cornered"

Parody Written by:

Jeff Hingle

The Lyrics

This is a STAR WARS parody song about Han Solo and his friend and co-pilot, Chewbacca.
"Ain't no use believin'
We're above smugglin' crimes."
Solo hears a course growl,
Replying to this line.
Four Imps out to starboard,
Flyin' as they cruise up -
Chewie takes a TIE out;
He knows his aim is sharp.

[Chorus #1]
Han won't be boarded;
He'll out-steer any fleet.
He an' Chewie soar past bl'ckades,
Keep their ship's hull
Nice n' neat.

Han, he owes a crime lord
Got a Tatooine domicile.
Jabba lets his thugs chase
Han Solo for a while.
Greedo keeps his pistol out
In Han's field of view.
Solo does his song-and-dance
And blasts a hole right through.

[Chorus #2]
Han won't be cornered
By a Rodian deadbeat.
Said "Greedo made a poor choice of aim,
Sprang his pistol
After me."

(Bass SOLO)

[Repeat Modified Chorus #2]
Han won't be cornered
By a Rodian deadbeat.
"Greedo made a poor choice of aim,
Sprang his pistol
After me."

Chewie is a Wookiee.
His fur is mostly brown.
Don't you make it prickle;
He could slam your body down!
Those two aren't conformers;
Han tries to avoid
'Perial and Rebel crowds,
But a Hutt keeps them employed.

[Repeat Modified Choruses]
Han's not a joiner.
Chewbacca can be sweet.
A princess and a farm boy say "Stay
And assist the
Rebel fleet."

Han is a loner,
But he loves his friend Chew-ie.
Silly song's a pure joy to play.
Hope you're tickled
At the least.

Han won't be boarded;
He'll out-steer any fleet.
He an' Chewie soar past bl'ckades,
Keep their ship's hull
Nice n' neat.

Han won't be cornered
By a Rodian deadbeat.
"Greedo made a poor choice of aim,
Sprang his pistol
After me."
(C) 2024, Jeff Hingle

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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