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Song Parodies -> "Cows Make Leather (A Note To Vegan Hypocrits)"

Original Song Title:

"Come Together"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Cows Make Leather (A Note To Vegan Hypocrits)"

Parody Written by:

Mikey F

The Lyrics

By the way, I really cannot stand Veegans!
Here come some veegans
they dont eat any meat
They wear leather pants though
and they eat their veggies
they got boots up to their knees
They have gotta be-a jokin'
'cause its all plain to see

They keep those shoes shined
they have leather footballs
they hate us meat eaters
they got tuns of leather
they say, "I hate you, 'cause you eat meat"
But one thing I can tell 'em is that they're hypocrits

Cows make leather, and cows, do make meat

They eat their tofu
they are walrus savers
they got leather hand bags
they eat 'nimal crackers
They got cow skin below their knees
"do not hurt animals" you can hear all their pleads

Cows are leather, and cows, do make meat

They are real skinny
'cause they do not eat no meat
and they dont get protein
and they are all veegans
they just turn around, look down, and leave
got to be so skinny 'cause theyre so hard to see

Cows are leather, and cows, do make meat

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.3
How Funny: 3.0
Overall Rating: 3.2

Total Votes: 36

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   12
 2   1
 3   1
 4   7
 5   15

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

strawberry_babe - January 23, 2003 - Report this comment
vegans with one e! Besides, some vegans like meat but don't eat it for health reasons. That sounds SO hypocritical to me!
greenstripes18 - April 13, 2004 - Report this comment
some people say they're vegans when they aren't but please don't catagorize all vegans as hypocrites. As a vegan i do not use, eat or wear anything that results from the exploitation of animals. please respect that.
Takineko - March 28, 2005 - Report this comment
Its rather silly to judge them as all being "whale savers", my family was vegan because, biblically, humans didnt start out as eating any meat anyway. Plus all the health benifits of not eating meat. We had nothing against people who did eat meat, or people who wore leather for that matter. But we were alot healthier back then. And my mind was pretty sharp for my age. Which I cant claim that it is anymore lol.
greenghost - December 14, 2007 - Report this comment
Uhh... I think you need to look up pleather! We vegans WILL wear that, it looks like murdered animal skin but it's made from plastic.
phil - September 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Wow, you couldn't be more ignorant. Vegans don't wear leather, there's plenty of fake leather and man made alternatives that it's not even necessary to wear animal these days. If they wore leather, they wouldn't be "vegan", they would be regular people on a plant-based diet. Veganism is a lifestyle - no animal products, no animal tested products, no leather, no fur. It's not impossible, I do it everyday. You should also google "the protein myth". There's more than enough protein in a plant based diet to live off of a vegan diet and be completely healthy. Average carnivores actually get too much protein, this leads to many health problems later in life. The protein myth was created by the meat industry to get the gullible general public to buy their products, and guess what? It worked. These days, as soon as you say you're vegan, people ask, "how do you get your protein?" It's so misinformed.

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