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Song Parodies -> "Clique."

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Twenty One Pilots

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Tyler Cody

The Lyrics

I wrote this as a joke after seeing all the drama going on before their most recent album, Trench, was released. I initially only wrote the chorus. But then one of my friends told me I should write a full version, so I did. Here it is. I'm using the Heathens lyric page on to help me with the spacing.
all these fans are crazy, oh no
to jail, the clique is gonna go
please don't break into a target
why can't you just wait to get it
all these fans are crazy, oh no
to jail, the clique is gonna go
please don't break into a target
why can't you just wait to get it
(verse 1)
welcome to the fandom
where most o' the people are crazy and don't respect
ty and josh
just because the others are like that
does not mean the rest are, believe me
you see that fan over there? he leaked legend
and that one over there? he tried to steal trench
dont even get me started on what was happening before
but after all i've said...don't hate the rest
all these fans are crazy, oh no
to jail, the clique is gonna go
please don't break into a target
why can't you just wait to get it
(verse 2)
they dont deal with new fans very well
but they're the ones you should look out for, if you couldn't tell
leaking songs left and right is wrong
but they don't care, they just want a new song
you see those girls over there? they bought trench before its out
but they're the only ones who havent gone nuts
what has the fandom come to? i dont even know
but after all ive said...dont hate the rest
all these fans are crazy, oh no
to jail, the clique is gonna go
please don't break into a target
why can't you just wait to get it
(verse 3)
good fans come, and please stay
maybe we can scare the bad ones away
and then we can save the clique
before its filled with disrespectful pricks

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Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 2.0
Overall Rating: 2.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
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 5   0

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