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Song Parodies -> "Freddi Fish"

Original Song Title:

"Tennis Court"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Freddi Fish"

Parody Written by:

Darius Whitehead

The Lyrics

That's right. I've made another Freddi Fish song for you.
We have got to catch Grandma Grouper's kelp seeds,
So make sure you pack up everything you need.
Because we're gonna go on a journey here, listen here,
All of the kelp seeds have been stolen from the pest.
And now her garden is gonna wilt again, yet again.
I have promised to find her stolen treasure chest.
She has given me a sandwich (yum)

Luther, be my good pal,
I'll solve a mystery with you,
We are gonna go and crack the case once again (yeah)
We'll go looking, although we may swim out of the blue,
Let's solve the clues like Freddi Fish, so catch them if you can (yeah)

Once again, it's a haunted school house in here,
Mrs. Croaker and her class saw something they fear.
She explains that they saw someone swim right in, not again.
They were the sharks, brought their ghost suit in, did bad deeds.
So we set up a trap, and used Luther's toy, good old boy,
That ghost was fake, stole the guppies' toys, and the seeds.
Now the guppies are proud of us (Yay)

Luther, be my good pal,
I'll solve a mystery with you,
We are gonna go and crack the case once again (yeah)
We'll go looking, although we may swim out of the blue,
Let's solve the clues like Freddi Fish, so catch them if you can (yeah)

We know these games are humongous. (yeah)
Freddi Fish's solving the case now, isn't she? (yeah)
Luther's her friend, until the end.
And they will find that old conch shell,
And they will find that old conch shell...

Luther, be my good pal,
I'll solve a mystery with you,
We are gonna go and crack the case once again (yeah)
We'll go looking, although we may swim out of the blue,
Let's solve the clues like Freddi Fish, so catch them if you can

So catch them if you can
So catch them if you can
Let's solve the clues like Freddi Fish, so catch them if you can
So catch them if you can
So catch them if you can
Let's solve the clues like Freddi Fish, so catch them if you can (yeah)
Luther: "I can hardly wait to catch those clues, Freddi!"
(C) Darius Studios.

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Pacing: 5.0
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Overall Rating: 5.0

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   1

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