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Song Parodies -> "Strawberry Ranch"

Original Song Title:

"Witch Doctor"

Original Performer:

David Seville

Parody Song Title:

"Strawberry Ranch"

Parody Written by:

The Strawberry Animals Fanbase

The Lyrics

You can thank bbgrill for the Strawberry Cow, and that extended into a BUNCH of parodies with different animals. So I made this song.
I told Strawberry Ranch society loves you
I told Strawberry Ranch society loves you
And then Strawberry Blonde, I learned what she could do
‘Cause she sang

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

I told Strawberry Blonde her powers can’t be true
I told Strawberry Blonde her powers can’t be wide
But then the Strawberry Blonde, she proved her critter pride!
‘Cause she sang

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

People say she’s heresy
But that makes them a miser
And I'll admit they don’t sound very smart
When I went out and found that girl
And learned that she was wiser
I somehow knew that she would win my heart

You see, Strawberry Blonde, she knew what she could say
You see, Strawberry Blonde, she knew what she could do
I think you might go wow when she sings this to you
Oh lordy

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

People say she’s heresy
But that makes them a miser
And I'll admit they don’t sound very smart
When I went out and found that girl
And learned that she was wiser
I somehow knew that she would win my heart

You see, Strawberry Blonde, she knew what she could say
You see, Strawberry Blonde, she knew what she could do
I think you might go wow when she sings this to you
Oh lordy

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!

Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
Moo, neigh! Hee-haw baa!
Cluck, quack, gobble gobble woof oink!
This qualifies as a Strawberry Animals song so young fans of the Strawberry Animals songs can sing it, the verses and bridges should done by a male, and the chorus by a female.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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