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Song Parodies -> "Can I Eat Now?"

Original Song Title:

"Can I Go Now?"

Original Performer:

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Parody Song Title:

"Can I Eat Now?"

Parody Written by:

Rick L.

The Lyrics

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Take a joint and start eating in the middle
Watching cake from this point of view,
No resisting, I can do.

There's food I can't find,
Can't lose my behind,
I'm glad that cake did last.

I drink and eat,
This goes on for hours.
I just can't see,
Why the pounds are all over me

Don't want to fight,
The food, cuz that's wasting time
My meal arrived at last,
I'm eating on...eating on...

Can I eat now?
Choco tastes OK,
Happy 'bout the buffet
My sizes are all plus+
Can I eat now?
My tummy grew,
For enjoying a meal or two.
Makes me start a fuss
Can I eat now?
Oh breakfast at that cafe
Finally got my way
Eating in the bus

Can I eat now? (Now, now, now...)

Dietition, why try and reach a compromise,
You are the judge and jury,
Ate pies and felt glory
I can't make you see that food is not always wrong,
Food makes it right
It's time to eat again,


No calling it a day, I'll pack my lunch, be on my way.
Sure don't need to stay,
Where there is no food anyway.
Fries? Alright,
Pies? OK.

There is nothing I can do,
Not enough food 4 u
Why not 3 meals in a row

Tell me what's the point in all this
Talk, talk, talk, talk
I wanna eat day and night,
Cause I know that will make it right.


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Pacing: 1.0
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Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
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 5   0

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