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Song Parodies -> "Songs about Parodies"

Original Song Title:

"Breakfast At Tiffany's"

Original Performer:

Deep Blue Something

Parody Song Title:

"Songs about Parodies"

Parody Written by:

Joe Kaiser

The Lyrics

So every major parodist has to write a song about amiright, or about writing parodies. Need proof? Search Parodies : "LYRIC: parody" After I got a mention in a song (thanks, Tone-Def!) I decided that it's about time for me to write one. Except there's one catch - It's a parody about parodies about parodies.
You say
Songs about food are common
Or disses to Osama Bin Laden
Or drugs or politics

You say
Songs often mock the original artist
Or make fun of that George Bush
But you left out one kind of song

So I say, "What about songs about Parodies?"
She said "Everyone tries to rhyme ''
and as I recall there's a bathroom on the right"
And everyone writes self-referential songs

Just read the 22-artist song
Or the ones about William Tong
He's written hundreds of spoofs
So many references to ChuckyG
In all the parody parodies
Talking about the guy who runs the site

So I say, "What about songs about Parodies?"
She said "Everyone tries to rhyme ''
and as I recall there's a bathroom on the right"
And everyone writes self-referential songs

You say
You want the funniest parody
Lots of votes and stellar pacing
And for all the words to rhyme

I say
Just write a song about writing
And soon, your spoof'll be fighting
For a place in the top ten

So I say, "What about songs about Parodies?"
She said "Everyone tries to rhyme ''
and as I recall there's a bathroom on the right"
And everyone writes self-referential songs
The 22 Artist Parody that was referenced above

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Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.1
How Funny: 4.3
Overall Rating: 4.3

Total Votes: 41

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   6
 2   1
 3   2
 4   4
 5   28

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