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Song Parodies -> "Battle of Katrina"

Original Song Title:

"Battle of New Orleans"

Original Performer:

David Marine

Parody Song Title:

"Battle of Katrina"

Parody Written by:

Teresa Thornton Davis

The Lyrics

Please don't think I'm making light of the suffering of Katrina victims. This just came to me immediately, and I'm happy to find an outlet for it.
Back in 2005, we had a mental slip
And didn't think a hurricane would flood the Mississip'
Water broke all the levees and it rushed down all the streets
When Katrina hit New Orleans, the rain came down in sheets.

Moved to the second floor, the water kept a-comin'
"bout a half foot higher than it was a while ago.
Moved to the attic, the water kept a-risin'
Now we are living in the Gulf of Mexico.

Seems George W. was taken by surprise
Finally flew to Washington over cloudy skies
While thousands waited for the help that never came
Our so-called leaders searched for someone else to blame.
SPOKEN: (what a dirty rotten shame!)


Hoodlums took the streets to loot and shoot and rape
Bureaucrats began to sift through mountains of red tape.
On the nightly news, we saw their faces well.
We watched as the Superdome became a living hell.


Relief eventually got here, although it seemed so slow,
But when the busses loaded, there was nowhere they could go.
The nice folks in Houston took as many as they could,
Hard cots and clean toilets had never looked so good.


It seemed all the victims were desperate, black, and poor.
What made 'em think that capitalism promised any more?
While mothers missing children survived the best they could,
Barbara Bush observed that it'd worked out pretty good.


Though FEMA fumbled, we all got out of town,
But we found our families were scattered all around.
Our nation stretched its good will as far as it could reach,,,
Then our clueless president gave a semi-moving speech.


We all know New Orleans will soon be on the mend.
And we hope that our little song might have a happy end.
If only some will remember the moral of this tale,
And go to the voting booth and give the Bushies ha-a-a-e-e-e-e-----l-l!

(Reprise chorus)
Once upon a time we trusted in our government.
But we're a whole lot smarter than we were a while ago.
And we're here to remind you, if you care to hear it,
Always remember that hurricanes BLOW!!

(c) 2005 Teresa Thornton Davis

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.3
How Funny: 4.4
Overall Rating: 4.4

Total Votes: 9

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   2
 5   6

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

AFW - September 26, 2005 - Report this comment
Extremely well done, and well said....all fives
carol - September 26, 2005 - Report this comment
This is the best parody of TOS and the most well delivered message I have seen so far about New Orleans. And for those that may take issuse with the lines about Prez Bush, stop and think for one moment how long it took him to respond to the disaster. Three 5's by the way.

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