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Song Parodies -> "1995"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Bowling For Soup

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Billy Boyd

The Lyrics

I've been wanting to do a parody of this song for ages (hey, everyone else has done one, why can't I?) and I finally got one. It'll probably suck, but oh well...many of the references are close to my heart since 1995 was the year I graduated.

Brandi just hit the wall
but she used to have it all
two Zoloft's a day
her husband's broke and gay
Her dreams went out the door
when she turned 24
Only been with 8 men
What happened to her plans?
She was gonna be a goth chick, she was gonna be a star
She was gonna ride around in Billy Corgan's car
She has no SUV, just a Nova '83
Looks at her sucky life, and nothing has been alrite, since

The Offspring, Gin Blossoms, still sad about Nirvana
but there was Green Day, and Courtney and Beavis still on MTV
Her two kids in grade school, they cry, they puke and they drool
but she was really alive in 19, 19, 1995


She knows all the classics, she has seen them all
'Forrest Gump' and 'Clueless', even that 'Son-in-Law'
She rocked to STP, she'd like to kill Britney
and though, she hates country, she'd have been bi for Shania Twain
Where's the cool shirts made of flannel, and what's this Teen Pop, f**kin' change the channel
Real World and Road Rules were the best reality TV
Whatever happened to sitcoms (Friends), game shows (Singled Out), on the radio

There was Offspring, Gin Blossoms, still worshiping Nirvana
and there was Green Day, and Courtney, and Beavis still on MTV
Her two kids in grade school, they cry, they puke and they drool
but she was really alive in 19, 19, 1995


She hates time, make it stop
when did Pearl Jam become classic rock?
And when did Alanis become an actress?
Please, make this stop! Stop! Stop!
and bring back

The Offspring, Gin Blossoms, she'll always love Nirvana
At least there's Green Day, but no Courtney, and no Beavis on her MTV
Her two kids in grade school, they cry, they puke and they drool
but she was really alive, in 19, 19, 1995

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.9
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 3.4

Total Votes: 7

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   2
 3   1
 4   0
 5   4

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